"Lord, I also want to get married ..."
The crisis of marriage in our churches is more serious than we think, and pretend to ignore the problem would be simply suicidal.
SM is all that is most active in his church. At 36, she is still waiting for a "brother in Christ knocking at the door of his heart. A heart desperately isolated, left to itself in this century when we speak of global village everywhere. Person or in his church, nor in the sister churches. Person to "pretend". And tired of waiting, disillusioned by some disappointments in the past, she wondered. Is there hope for her? Even if the song reminds him every day : "There Are hope for you ... Jesus is the answer .. " SM is nonetheless a beautiful young woman. It is one of those beauties who recognize God's creation as wonderful. In addition, she has no financial worries to be done. His job Financial Controller in a large box of international oil makes up the freedom from want. With its shiny little car, it makes jealous when she passes, even in the church, if you please ...
This table may suggest that our sister is "blessed." Not! Just because she has not a man with whom to share her daily, she saw what had so wrote the poet: "Only one person fails you, and everything seems depopulated ..." The missing link in the string of his little life has led her to a pastor to another in search of solution through prayers. It was bound and cast out demons, cut the bonds of celibacy, nothing. Organized long fasts, nothing there too. The latest discovery of LM is a site for Christian singles in which she filed an announcement. In her despair, she is ready to jump into the arms of the first came, "even if not Christian," she said, looking jaded. "What do you want me to do," laments she. Internet seems to be his last resort, and she was quick to sweep the risks that await the turning of a mouse click, even a Christian in a matrimonial site.
above is symptomatic of a latent crisis that continues within the Church concerning marriage. Clearly, something is wrong. The site is probably created by Christians, but there is no guarantee the good character of the thousands who daily visit our many pages. We saw several men suddenly become adherents of a church because they had targeted some girls. Would it not easy for such people to hide behind a Christian website to daub with all the good values and virtues espoused by Christianity and other traps? Once the marriage is solemnized, the wolf is in its true face. Too late, because then begins a ordeal for those who "sought a brother in Christ "for a husband.
It is for the shepherds to look after the whole person of their sheep, body, soul and spirit. Stop focusing solely on their spiritual needs, but also interested in their daily lives, their socio-emotional needs, finding a partner for example. Gaudy disinterest shown by some churchmen to this question is certainly a green light to the multitudes of single pounce on everything that falls on their hands. And advertising via the Internet helping marriages, Christians do not hesitate to scrutinize the sites on the side net: "The Lord's ways are unfathomable! "Cried one here. In addition, several single as LM have often missed their chance, because the suitors who knocked at their door were not to their taste or simply their social class.
We just wanted to draw everyone's attention on this phenomenon, without wishing to get anyone. These are just rantings of a journalist. Maybe you have good reason to have another opinion. Do not forget to let us know .
Friday, December 8, 2006
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white water for the campus Douala Marriage
The Department of Campus Crusade for Christ University Douala officially launched its activities for the 2006/2007 academic year November 11, 2006 at Christian Cultural Center of the City CICAM.
The tone was set by the general retreat of October 20, 2006, during which 30 participants had received the revelation of that which pleases the whole sky, namely, the repentance of a lost soul. The students were well placed to face their responsibility as a sentinel of God among their peers.
Conference and Prayer Partners that have followed, respectively, on 28 October and 04 November 2006. With the official launch of Operation Whitewater on Campus "in Douala on 11 November 2006, the U. Douala ended as the planning phase of this project. Real challenge for members of the Christian student movements, is an inquiry in every direction, to enter the "I Want" divine. Indeed, God does not want students who do not know him perish, but that they should repent and live ... (Ezekiel 33: 11). To make this possible, it is necessary that someone tells them the Good New, as it is written "... How can they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear it if others are preacher? "Romans 10: 14.
this in mind, the project itself is intended as a unifying wave of all that is called evangelism on campus in Douala. It applies to all student groups. The first two objectives of the project say a lot, and tells the environment that the union is strength: "Unite with other Christian student movements on campuses across the city of Douala to obey the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew 28: 18-20 (a). Mobilizing employees, volunteers, partners and associates in the Body of Christ for involvement and significant impact in the Lord's harvest on the campus of Douala (b). And just
. In view of the mobilization of the Bible Group of Pupils and Students of Cameroon (GBEEC), Academy Campus Forum (ACF), and Cameroon Youths for Jesus (CYJ), it is not superfluous to say that these first two objectives that are more a reality for those involved in the harvest on campus. The Basic Training of 16 to 19 November 2006 is not only a prelude to 7 days of the crusade ACF in late November, but also to the AIDS Week of GBEEC in late November or early December. The vision of these groups is almost the same and comes down to this: " Proclaiming the Gospel to students ... "The leaders and their members have come to receive the mandate to" boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ to every student, every student and every teacher, with a targeted evangelism. "
message and exhortations, amid praise and worship Campus Praise Team, were clear: Understanding why and how the great commission. God wants every student to hear the message of salvation, and he faces the choice as say the Director of MU in Douala Ev. Nfor Rose, "to say yes or no to Christ." It is almost close to 150 People who answered the call to bring the Whitewater campus of Douala. These commitments will be meaningless, they did it was recalled that if the understanding of death and resurrection of Christ are clear. The evangelist Winniefred Koutcheu and Christine Olinga servant of God, prayed for leaders of student movements and for all students challenged by the project on Whitewater Campus. They descend on campus with a good idea of their enemy: the spirit of blindness and dry bones ... not their mandate is he not given, as the prophet Ezekiel to proclaim life on the bones that have become students of our campus?
(Ezekiel 37).
is the challenge for CPC Douala for GBEEC for ACF and CYJ for this year. One challenge is simply this: Have at least 5500 exposed to the Gospel, 1200 won to Christ, 300 built, 120 trained and sent at least 20 ... It says here that with the arsenal that is "on Whitewater campus, "God proves true again.
The Department of Campus Crusade for Christ University Douala officially launched its activities for the 2006/2007 academic year November 11, 2006 at Christian Cultural Center of the City CICAM.
The tone was set by the general retreat of October 20, 2006, during which 30 participants had received the revelation of that which pleases the whole sky, namely, the repentance of a lost soul. The students were well placed to face their responsibility as a sentinel of God among their peers.
Conference and Prayer Partners that have followed, respectively, on 28 October and 04 November 2006. With the official launch of Operation Whitewater on Campus "in Douala on 11 November 2006, the U. Douala ended as the planning phase of this project. Real challenge for members of the Christian student movements, is an inquiry in every direction, to enter the "I Want" divine. Indeed, God does not want students who do not know him perish, but that they should repent and live ... (Ezekiel 33: 11). To make this possible, it is necessary that someone tells them the Good New, as it is written "... How can they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear it if others are preacher? "Romans 10: 14.
this in mind, the project itself is intended as a unifying wave of all that is called evangelism on campus in Douala. It applies to all student groups. The first two objectives of the project say a lot, and tells the environment that the union is strength: "Unite with other Christian student movements on campuses across the city of Douala to obey the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew 28: 18-20 (a). Mobilizing employees, volunteers, partners and associates in the Body of Christ for involvement and significant impact in the Lord's harvest on the campus of Douala (b). And just
. In view of the mobilization of the Bible Group of Pupils and Students of Cameroon (GBEEC), Academy Campus Forum (ACF), and Cameroon Youths for Jesus (CYJ), it is not superfluous to say that these first two objectives that are more a reality for those involved in the harvest on campus. The Basic Training of 16 to 19 November 2006 is not only a prelude to 7 days of the crusade ACF in late November, but also to the AIDS Week of GBEEC in late November or early December. The vision of these groups is almost the same and comes down to this: " Proclaiming the Gospel to students ... "The leaders and their members have come to receive the mandate to" boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ to every student, every student and every teacher, with a targeted evangelism. "
message and exhortations, amid praise and worship Campus Praise Team, were clear: Understanding why and how the great commission. God wants every student to hear the message of salvation, and he faces the choice as say the Director of MU in Douala Ev. Nfor Rose, "to say yes or no to Christ." It is almost close to 150 People who answered the call to bring the Whitewater campus of Douala. These commitments will be meaningless, they did it was recalled that if the understanding of death and resurrection of Christ are clear. The evangelist Winniefred Koutcheu and Christine Olinga servant of God, prayed for leaders of student movements and for all students challenged by the project on Whitewater Campus. They descend on campus with a good idea of their enemy: the spirit of blindness and dry bones ... not their mandate is he not given, as the prophet Ezekiel to proclaim life on the bones that have become students of our campus?
(Ezekiel 37).
is the challenge for CPC Douala for GBEEC for ACF and CYJ for this year. One challenge is simply this: Have at least 5500 exposed to the Gospel, 1200 won to Christ, 300 built, 120 trained and sent at least 20 ... It says here that with the arsenal that is "on Whitewater campus, "God proves true again.
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very inter (net)
The technology revolution has not spared the church worldwide. For many churchmen, the Internet is an important tool in the daily affairs of their parishes. It is also, for many people, a very desirable to find a soul mate "in the Lord."
"I am a Christian, born again. I'm 31 and I move in business. I want by using this service meet your soul mate, my life partner with whom to serve God and build a solid Christian home where Jesus is at the center, a home based on love, (when there is love, there can make it through). I hope this man Christian is born again, love the Lord and his work, he is aged over 32 years (32-45 years) and is provided with values ... "That's what like the ads placed on sites for Christians singles looking for a partner. It could be www.ccelibat.com, www.theotokos.fr, www.mariage-chretien.com or www.correspondance.fr. In these sites, the main objective is to enable single Christians to build links via the Internet that could, "according to the will of God" lead to marriage. The creators of Christian Singles (ccelibat.com) for example write: " We want to help Christian singles of the opposite sex that they can meet and talk together ... We believe the goal is marriage, a union for life based on the Word of God." All these matrimonial sites
a to be extremely kind are visited by all Christians, regardless of denominational chapel. Hold: Catholics, Evangelicals, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Pentecostals, Adventists, Charismatics, Protestants ... The worshipers of God from all continents, but mainly French-speaking Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland ...), Africa (Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Benin, Senegal, Congo, DRC, CAR, Gabon, Mauritius ...). Canada and the French islands (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana ...) are also represented.
It is therefore not surprising to see more than 6980 ads of singles on ccelibat.com, 6449 registered on Wedding-chretien.com. Men and women, single, widowed, divorced, in the age group 18-65 years all desperately seeking: friendship, correspondence, trade, could eventually lead to marriage. Identifiers, called "pseudo" are all originality: Jewel, Spirit, worship, Daughter of Zion, Baby Jesus ... We do everything to stay in the spiritual issue of attracting much attention from other site members.
In Anglo-Saxon, the most famous of these matrimonial sites for Christians is www.eharmony.com. Is this site which has popularized the "Christian marriage internet. Even his service fee does "not discourage many users Christians eaten by loneliness and populate the world. More recently, the phenomenon seems to grow, and many are those of Cameroon and Cameroonians who surf everyday on the Web, "praying with faith that God will send them their life partner. But they are careful to establish contact with other Cameroonian ... Even here, we seek the "White". Do not we here and there that it has succeeded in a few "sisters and brothers in Christ" in Cameroon?

The technology revolution has not spared the church worldwide. For many churchmen, the Internet is an important tool in the daily affairs of their parishes. It is also, for many people, a very desirable to find a soul mate "in the Lord."
"I am a Christian, born again. I'm 31 and I move in business. I want by using this service meet your soul mate, my life partner with whom to serve God and build a solid Christian home where Jesus is at the center, a home based on love, (when there is love, there can make it through). I hope this man Christian is born again, love the Lord and his work, he is aged over 32 years (32-45 years) and is provided with values ... "That's what like the ads placed on sites for Christians singles looking for a partner. It could be www.ccelibat.com, www.theotokos.fr, www.mariage-chretien.com or www.correspondance.fr. In these sites, the main objective is to enable single Christians to build links via the Internet that could, "according to the will of God" lead to marriage. The creators of Christian Singles (ccelibat.com) for example write: " We want to help Christian singles of the opposite sex that they can meet and talk together ... We believe the goal is marriage, a union for life based on the Word of God." All these matrimonial sites
a to be extremely kind are visited by all Christians, regardless of denominational chapel. Hold: Catholics, Evangelicals, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Pentecostals, Adventists, Charismatics, Protestants ... The worshipers of God from all continents, but mainly French-speaking Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland ...), Africa (Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Benin, Senegal, Congo, DRC, CAR, Gabon, Mauritius ...). Canada and the French islands (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana ...) are also represented.
It is therefore not surprising to see more than 6980 ads of singles on ccelibat.com, 6449 registered on Wedding-chretien.com. Men and women, single, widowed, divorced, in the age group 18-65 years all desperately seeking: friendship, correspondence, trade, could eventually lead to marriage. Identifiers, called "pseudo" are all originality: Jewel, Spirit, worship, Daughter of Zion, Baby Jesus ... We do everything to stay in the spiritual issue of attracting much attention from other site members.
In Anglo-Saxon, the most famous of these matrimonial sites for Christians is www.eharmony.com. Is this site which has popularized the "Christian marriage internet. Even his service fee does "not discourage many users Christians eaten by loneliness and populate the world. More recently, the phenomenon seems to grow, and many are those of Cameroon and Cameroonians who surf everyday on the Web, "praying with faith that God will send them their life partner. But they are careful to establish contact with other Cameroonian ... Even here, we seek the "White". Do not we here and there that it has succeeded in a few "sisters and brothers in Christ" in Cameroon?
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Intro ...
I thought something like this for very long, but it was not obvious to me, given its binding . God thank you, here, at the very beginning. For now, I'd like to throw some stuff I wrote for some newspapers, either online or on paper in Cameroon, my country. It's a bit annoying because I want them all. That means I'll get-search would be more appropriate in my edges to find these scribblings of a young journalist. I told just some events, and I often took the risk of issuing an opinion on what happened ... Are not we a democracy?
This text is as an indication of what you trouverrez from time to time in these columns. Suffering that these texts are sometimes old ...
I thought something like this for very long, but it was not obvious to me, given its binding . God thank you, here, at the very beginning. For now, I'd like to throw some stuff I wrote for some newspapers, either online or on paper in Cameroon, my country. It's a bit annoying because I want them all. That means I'll get-search would be more appropriate in my edges to find these scribblings of a young journalist. I told just some events, and I often took the risk of issuing an opinion on what happened ... Are not we a democracy?
This text is as an indication of what you trouverrez from time to time in these columns. Suffering that these texts are sometimes old ...
Thursday, December 7, 2006
How To Masterbate With Other Guys
Welcome to everyone on my personal blog ...
I thought something like this for very long, but it was not obvious to me, given its binding . God thank you, here, at the very beginning. For now, I'd like to throw some stuff I wrote for some newspapers, whether online or on paper in Cameroon, my country. It's a bit annoying because I want them all. That means I'll get-search would be more appropriate in my edges to find these scribblings of a young journalist. I told just some events, and I often took the risk of issuing an opinion on what happened ... Are not we a democracy?
This text is as an indication of what you trouverrez from time to time in these columns. Suffering that these texts are sometimes old ...
I thought something like this for very long, but it was not obvious to me, given its binding . God thank you, here, at the very beginning. For now, I'd like to throw some stuff I wrote for some newspapers, whether online or on paper in Cameroon, my country. It's a bit annoying because I want them all. That means I'll get-search would be more appropriate in my edges to find these scribblings of a young journalist. I told just some events, and I often took the risk of issuing an opinion on what happened ... Are not we a democracy?
This text is as an indication of what you trouverrez from time to time in these columns. Suffering that these texts are sometimes old ...
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