Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Strip Bars In America


110127voeuxSACA , originally uploaded by lesacablog .

The wishes of the Union of Architects of Côte d'Azur
took place Thursday, January 27, 2011 at
Forum Urbanime and Architecture of the City of Manchester

In the presence of German Patrick, Advisor regional
Alain Philip, Deputy Mayor Urban Planning Officer of the City of Nice,
Bernard Asso, General Counsel,
Stéphane Grech, a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, David Barjon
, Chief Deputy County Territory and the Sea,
and a number of mayors of municipalities in the department.

We thank all participants that evening, and the City of Nice, which we hosted the Forum of Urbanism.

110127VoeuxPdt , originally uploaded by lesacablog .

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Good Title For Bacteria Science Project

In the alley snack bars, there is a new intrusion ...

"Snacks Wonder who we pack into each flavor. "This is the motto of Hop and Go . With their new look, these pretty little boxes of snack bars, which I admit, I was drawn to their side trendy (but also because it was pink ...) seem to me more like a dessert, a treat hand. But between you and me, between a tiny bar meal that tastes sweet chocolate powder commercial cake and a slice of cake that comes from the bakery on the corner, the choice is not difficult, but you must know how to choose his treats, whatever;)!

Why I critical new product? Well, among other things, because again, we try to enforce the nutritional benefits, when in reality it is not a nutritious food. At all. "Omega-3: 0.2 g. .. Fiber: 1g ... Source of Iron ..." These claims are misleading: it really is a bar-cake we will do our supplies of omega-3? Certainly, it is easier than eating two servings of fish per week. But when we know that the needs of omega-3 are 1.1 g and 1.6 g per day for women and men respectively, it is unlikely that consume 5-8 small bars Hop and Go to get our dose of good fats ...

Especially when you know they contain, and I quote:

Ingredients: Icing sugar , sugar / glucose-fructose , enriched wheat flour , margarine, vegetable oil, cocoa, egg mixture, fructose, apple puree concentrate (apples, ascorbic acid, potassium sorbate), glycerin, raspberries, modified milk ingredients, maltodextrin, modified starch, salt, oil palm kernel oil, baking powder, gums (xanthan and sodium alginate) potassium sorbate, soya lecithin, sorbitan monostearate, polysorbate 60, citric acid, malic acid, sodium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, sodium citrate, dehydrated citrus pulple, sodium benzoate, mono and diglycerides, natural and artificial flavor , dye

Honestly ... I know these bars are on special at Metro and IGA this week ... Beautiful, good, cheap. I bought because I am an eternal curiosity. I tasted, because I am a sweet tooth and hardened, needless to specify how much I was disappointed with the taste. And what about its size Miniature! Gentlemen, you finish it in one bite, I promise, swear!

The lesson in all this: it takes you a split second to take this product, put it in your grocery cart. 45 seconds to eat. The rest of the day to ask more to satisfy your taste for sugar.

You take 10 minutes to mix the flour, oats, eggs, honey, nuts, some dark chocolate chips, a little oil and of baking powder, it's true. And 15 minutes to cook while you do other things, of course. But your wallet will thank you, your stomach will be well filled, as well as your taste buds tend to be filled chocolate. I'll bet your house bar will be a delight! Free of sodium alginate, and modified palm kernel oil ...

Have you tried these bars Hop and Go? I want your opinion!

ps: For those who wonder what will happen with these famous bars, I'm afraid they are forgotten in my pantry ... But I have a man who eats, I'm convinced. He was warned, but what do you want, it is one to be proud of the first appearances) If at least he listened to me ...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blog Dental Hygienist

The Transformer: house eco-responsible

leTransfoHNY2k11b , originally uploaded by lesacablog .

Thanks to our colleagues of the Transformer, who sent us some pictures of one of their projects!
Like them, do not hesitate to share your work, whether in progress or completed!

Project: detached eco-responsible - the current project
Location: Vence (06)
Architect: The Transfo (Nice)
Area: 140 m2 SHON
Budget: € 50 000.

web, originally uploaded by lesacablog .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Formal Dresses Under 50

Brother gives his agency


Your Brother Rene Dalmasso, architect in Menton, plans to gradually stop its activity, and therefore wishes to give his agency.

If you are interested, please contact him directly: Rene
Dalmasso - 28 Avenue Carnot - 06500 Menton
T 04 93 35 32 63 - @ .

DSCF4748web , originally uploaded by lesacablog .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do Italians Have Baby Showers?

The health of your employees: a guarantee of performance!

I receive several requests from small, medium and large enterprises to promote healthy eating in the workplace. Besides, there are companies that do it, organize health programs at work for other companies. The Pro Health Group, where I host regular conferences and booths, is one:

It shows how employers want their employees to eat well, move and remain healthy. I understand them, because believe me, there's enough here to increase their productivity. Some compelling statistics:

- By eliminating a risk factor for the worker, productivity is increased by 9% and absenteeism by 2%. (Source: Pelletier B, et al. Change in Health Risks and Work Productivity Over Time . 2004).
- An employee is physically active 12% more productive an employee sedentary
- A smoking employee costing $ 3,150 more per year to a company that employed non-smoking;
- Every dollar invested in worker health could bring five to the company;
(Source: CSST Investing in health is Profitable! Prevention to work, p.46 summer 2010)
- Companies with a program of health and wellness have higher rates of absenteeism by 1.8 days less per employee (Source: Watson Wyatt. The health and productivity advantage . Survey of North America to work! 2009-2010.)

good. Enough numbers. I think it is high time that companies take action. Why do we only miserions health of people already sick? Investing in prevention is a winner! And I can confirm that employees have a lot of interest in health, especially regarding nutrition. Conferences and booths which I introduced myself have attracted much of questions and discussion with workers. They want tips, recipes, ideas (and tasting!) They are impressed with the potential impact of nutrition on energy levels, their concentration on ... Me, I can not help but support initiatives that focus on the health of workers.

is why I urge you to participate in the Challenge Business in Quebec City. This is an initiative launched by two Kinesiology, super dynamic, super friendly and very motivating. They will deliver a training program on position at the end of what your employees will walk or run a 5 or 10 km on the Plains of Abraham. Nothing less! I invite you to visit their website for details.

Ah yes, I almost forgot ... If you participate in their challenge, you can see me hoe in Member Zone their website. Practical tips, advice on healthy weight, recipes and a host of other information to navigate.

So what are you waiting for a company profitable and ... healthy?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thank You As A Subject

In 2011: a realistic resolution

You've heard people say they wanted to lose weight in 2011. Others who wanted to enroll at the gym. You may have even decided to make a hunger strike for a week, after all these pies and stews . (Which I hope not, anyway!) But whatever your resolution, if you decide to "change", make sure that this change is realistic. And so: feasible.

At what stage are you?
When I was on the benches of university, we talked about the famous Prochaska stages of change. I do not know if it's a closely guarded secret, but I'm exposed to you, dear audience, so it's not that health professionals who are aware. Mr. Prochaska's theory applies perfectly to your resolutions "health". It's actually a way for us to identify your level of motivation to change (commonly called "motivational interviewing"). Therefore, when you meet with a trainer or a nutritionist, they try as best they can assess your stage of change and lead you through your own intentions, to be ready and motivated to change.

ago one who ...
1. Do not even think about making changes (it is the doctor who asked him to eat better and move. He or she is not ready to move forward).
2. Think about change, but do not know how to do
3. Thinks increasingly changing and trying to identify ways to help
4. Take action and is determined to change.

Then you are at what stage?

But to be really motivated ...
Undertake the changes you can make, providing you with achievable goals. Because the motivation is in maintaining your good habits. Which has already abandoned its resolutions this year, unable to maintain what he had decided to change it? Too many of us.

So whether you're at the stage of thinking to change or move on to stage action, I tell you to choose your goals for lasting change and continue to be motivated to change.

Patient History
(ouf. .. I really feel about the classroom, but for your own good:)
Mr. X knows well that was overweight. His doctor gave him several warnings since then a few months, his blood sugar and increases risk for diabetes. Mr. X will not be achieved. But he does not know how to go about getting more exercise, or how satisfy her sweet tooth without eating chocolate every day.

In 2011, he therefore took the decision to enroll at the local gym (because that's what his wife told him to do), then in terms of its power, he decides to move to a piece of chocolate per day instead of a full bar for a snack.

Do you think Mr. X will maintain its resolution?
From experience, I do not think so. Unless it's really got a boost of motivation along the way. First, Mr. X was not ready to take action. He has not done the research to identify how best to equip themselves. He relied on the doctor, his wife and his good sense. But not what he was really ready to do!

The lesson in this story: when one wants to undertake changes in our lifestyle, let's not afraid to equip . If you think you can always seek professional advice so that it gives us realistic advice . Do not worry: this is not because a kinesiologist (professional activity) is called a "kinesiologist" that you asked to do 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity every day. He will adjust according to your pace. And it's not because I am a nutritionist (professional food) that I shall command you to eat vegetables every meal if you have trouble starting to incorporate a portion per day.

We adapt, we are realistic and that, for your very own. Because we want you to change, but within your pace and your reality.

In this good year 2011 and that it is full of health!

ps: No matter what stage of change and motivation, I would be pleased to equip your own home to make some changes in your attitude. Contact me, do not be shy;)

A nutritionist live in your home, what better way to realistic advice and tailored!