" For Grandpa ... I love you very much "

After 10 days of vigils and preparations, my stepfather was buried August 8 in his native village, NKOLMETET.
Here we are in Mbalmayo, the day before, a cult-bye to the chapel.
Here we are in Mbalmayo, the day before, a cult-bye to the chapel.

Pepa Do not be shocked, Cameroon, is photographed and filmed the funérails and shot them dead too!
my two step-sisters: Marie Claude (from Germany) and Sylvie
Adele White, the widow may choose to wear black or white, 1 year (in general)
In joy and in sorrow, songs and dances are featured
Damaris and Iman
Nelson tries to console his granny
old church
Soultine Kameron and his cousin, opened the procession
Iman in the arms of Chouchou
Kam and Soultine inseparable
smile is also to go through our Tiny Tots!
moms village
arrived in the village
the job superintendent and his young assistant
As Aunt Louise, you dig the grave behind the family home
installation of a water tower for the occasion (no running water in the village)
Franky and his older brother, Jonas

My stepfather was a personality and not least ... It was, among other things, a founder of the CRTV, the " CAMEROON RADIO TELEVISION "(national chain)
The pantry ... According to tradition, an ox was slaughtered the entire family is divided
One of the 3 kitchens External ladies at work !
My step-sister Sylvie (yellow)
Jaret of the famous beef
guest facilities
's house Uncle AKOA, the older brother of Albert
Iman and Ernestine last baby, my niece
Kam Soultine Grandpa and carrying a big part of that famous beef! Again, do not be shocked! The meat is eaten cooked in Africa so there is no poisoning America!
stroll through the village before the big evening
Franky finds his "nanny" of childhood! Bursts of laughter as he recalls some anecdotes: I learned by example that my husband and child was a terrible villain: he saved all the time! So tired, this gentleman decided to attach it to his wrist with a rope so he could not escape him, even during his nap! (Apparently, he has done well see!)
three sisters of Albert
A team of CRTV has also mobilized to honor their former colleague (PA sites for facilitation of the evening)
Meanwhile, work is progressing with Nestor become specialist in spite of him digging graves (note the difference in practices across cultures: France, the coffin is buried in a hole bare ground and the focus is instead on the tombstone ...)

Here in Cameroon, the vault is tiled or decorated and then sealed with a concrete slab before being covered with earth.
In the family house: the living room is transformed into a mortuary ...
Traditionally, the widow and the deceased should not be left alone: the family take turns throughout the day and night to ensure the 2
Nelson, unflappable, takes a bath with outdoor Chouchou Iman and her two older sisters gagas!
There we sing, we pray, we dance, we eat (drink ...), it shows ... overnight!
The next day, the funeral sequence emotion ...
Then it's a stately procession from the entrance to the village to the family home: first, the band
... followed by the deacons
... Then the elders of churches
and finally, Pastors
new procession open this time by the grandchildren, to where the cult funeral will be held
Welcome by Daniel Cousin direct Franky
beautiful testimony of Jonah, surrounded by his brothers and sisters: Franky, and Marie-Chantal Claude
Testimony of Albert's older brother, uncle AKOA
A page turns ...

My French family was represented Grenoble by our friends, Francoise, Christiane and Michel came to spend a few days holiday in Cameroon ... Of course, the funeral of my stepfather was not in their original program! I thank them for their warm presence again ...

Two of the countless "little hands" for cooking ... After the effort, comfort!

The family meetings are an opportunity to taste special dishes and very popular: for example the pangolin ...

... or the viper!

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