Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Milena Velba And Frends

I cast an evil spell! After

Abracadabra ... Using my broom and my magical powers, I've trapped. You are doomed for the rest of your day to cook! Ha Ha Ha!

Ohhh. I know. It would be impossible. I am not a nutritionist "evil". But let me have a little fun. It's Halloween! And as I am sad that in my neighborhood, all the young of the "epoch" have now become great ... On my street, no house is in disguise. But I still young in my heart (though not very old in my body!) And I want to inspire you to give a scare to your brats (and even you!) On this day teeerrrriiiifffiaaaaaante! Blah blah blah .... I feel awesome! Some tips to celebrate Halloween in style!

Bewitch your meal

On Halloween, the whole city is happy to offer a treat for children bewitched. And once a year, do not bother to respond! To avoid the "overdose", book and candy for dessert prepare light meals. Redeem containers of fruit juice for water bottles. Their sweet tooth will be filled with enough candy .... Halloween is a magical time for children, let your little monster enjoy! Once the party is over and gently return to your good habits.


Why not cook dishes scary? Add a few drops of red food coloring, blue and green vegetables to your soup until it turns black. Here it is worthy of an entry to the Frankenstein! All will be appalled at a tasting of eye bulging. Pour apple juice in packaging of eggs in clear plastic. Paste the red grapes or blueberries into wards. It'll just freeze them and eat them in a punch prepared specially for the occasion.

bet that your little monsters will die of want to eat some sweets before bedtime last. After this sweet day with hope, better their remember to brush their teeth well. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Having Bleeding 8 Days Before Periods


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Logitech Rightsonud Tm Technology

Man is a Danger Angel. Example

Yet it was a day that started normally, I woke up super late so for now no changement.Alors as usual I went to find motorcycle the day ahead. Quietly rolling, and proud of this good mood, I never thought that the situation could change from one moment to another. Far from doubt, yes the doubt, not that of Descartes, but the simple question! The scene takes place in Maroua, a town in the far north Cameroon. City known for its scorching sun and ardent.Oublions this detail if you want ... I continue my story (...) So here I am spirit to ride quietly on a motorcycle scooter when I was suddenly struck from behind by another bike, it was "a motorcycle-taxi" which surely was traveling at high speed! of course that I had not seen it coming, but to hear the hum of "craft", it could assign no less than 60Km / H. I just had time to feel a slight wind to carry me, then I swing like a bum on skid row soil. Soil, tarmac! Crash! and then the accident is the taxi-man banging against the dash! her skull fractured, and a piece of brain out. The body crashes like a can now is thinking of God and call for help! But it's too late, the windows exploded, pieces of glass sinks in the body, engine parts, barrel and drove into the decor ... Such a fate is the witnesses in a trance, this is what that called change of atmosphere ....

Given the atmosphere was better shifting, standing like the army I 'messed myself inside the left foot. "Faya" on the guy! which was brought post-haste to the emergency and put into intensive care. God willing everything went well for me. Unannounced, observation and analysis of the situation. Blah, blah, it does not change the tide. This is just replied Mr formality officer. Then pulling almost destroyed my bike, I disappeared into the background ... Out free of such an accident? must see to believe. But God, God who sits in heaven in chief, is great! As to the man, he is an angel in Danger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Interview Follow Up Email

omega-3, probiotics, prebiotics, here are the STEROLS!

Have you seen the new star (plant sterols) in the Becel? Maybe not. But we, as nutritionists, we have been bombarded with information by post (by none other than Becel, of course) on the "great benefit" for this product. Besides (bracket), I support a fellow nutritionist much about it, launching again this subtle message Becel "release us with your promotional brochures" (!) For my part, I I walk enough in the aisles of the grocery store to learn about new products. No need to waste your papers with me, I throw them. Unfortunately. (

I return to my sterols. Not those in the Becel, but in the new Astro yogurt BioBest with plant sterols. Hmmm. It does not pass the board of Genevieve! At 7 $ .00 Package of 8 yogurt, is it a drop of plant sterols (Incidentally, this is a molecule that helps lower blood cholesterol ...) that will solve the problems miraculously blood cholesterol all those who suffer?
Leave me in doubt. Especially after reading the advertisement that is made: "It was dismantled an adult should consume 2 grams of plant sterols daily to reduce cholesterol levels, which equates to eat every day 100 lbs of vegetables raw or only TWO servings of yogurt Astro BioBest Plant Sterols . Source: http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Parmalat-Canada-lance-le-yogourt-Astro-BioBest-Sterols-Vegetaux-le-premier-yogourt-probiotique-1309315.htm (accessed October 11, 2010)

It's unanimous: I think that all consumers have no desire to eat 2 yogurts than 100lbs of vegetables. Come , the "marketers", find something else, sorry! Tell us that it is a molecule that has beneficial properties on the blood cholesterol, that yogurt is one food you might choose to help you improve it, but it must continue to make healthy Life in general (and that includes eating vegetables! Not 100lbs per day, but would that at least 5 servings ?)...

Not bad sterols. I see no problems. But if only we could stop giving the misleading arguments that consumers are aware of the truth. OK, perhaps there least of sterols in vegetables. Is this a reason to put them aside and focus on a yogurt that has no fiber, no vitamins, minerals or vegetables?

Finally, the most important when choosing a food is 1) Is it nutritious? 2) Will I experience a pleasure to eat? In the case of yogurt Astro BioBest to Plant Sterols are answered YES to 1. But at 2, bah. I find that the taste leaves much to be desired. As you pass the ultimate test and give me your thoughts and comments ...


Monday, October 4, 2010

Battery Water Fountain

an evening of Madness