Sunday, November 21, 2010

Funny Things On Treadmill

Just before I left ... I criticize a product yet!

Those who rub me these days will not be impressed that I criticize, yet again! And yes, Jennifer needs a vacation. That is why a week of beach and hot sun waiting for me ...

Undoubtedly, others will say that I "whining" because I am a woman. Think again! I "whining" always a very good reason. This time, it is this product, I crossed over the counter cold salads from the grocery store. He immediately caught my eagle eye: a small box to look new, attractive colors and above all, a slogan (oh not original) of interest, however most people Quebecois: "IDEAL FOR PEOPLE PRESSED.

People hurry, read the following.

A price to pay for the freshness of the product? Yes. More salt to preserve it well.
The pretty little box with pastel shades of color may well boast of being composed of "fresh, quality ingredients," but goodness (!), Why do we find 840 mg of salt for a portion of 300 g? A second small dish like that, and we reach the amount of sodium already acceptable to consume each day. A third? Here we go beyond all limits ... For your information, 1c. teaspoon (5 ml) salt = 2400 mg sodium.

Looking vegetables
I want to believe that your so-called flat ideal, which is eaten "directly in the box", is named Mixed vegetables grilled ... And on the package, we see a plate well covered with zucchini, peppers and mushrooms grilled ... Do we have the same definition of "gardening"? Because in my opinion, this is a dish full of vegetables.

Sorry dear people in a hurry, but not with the meal you get a good dose of vitamins, minerals and fiber ... I used my magnifying glass is a nutritionist and a detective from myself. Once the account is, let me tell you the results of my investigation in the picture above. Let us console ourselves: there is at least 1/16th of your plate to be composed of vegetables! A first step has been taken. Let us, therefore, we bring a salad or raw vegetables in sideline ...

Finally finished, my period "chiâlage. You would have thought worse, is not it? Whatever! The important thing is that I have given you your dose for next week while I'm in the sun, sipping una pina colada "or one of those delicious Miami Vice.

So on my return, I rousepéterai more. Promise! But I criticize always provided prepared meals ...

good week!

NB: For more information on sodium, visit the following address: -vsv/food-aliment/sodium_fra.pdf

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stomach Pains And Peeing A Lot

You missed my lecture at Énergie Cardio?

Boucherville, Repentigny, Laval, Montreal, Blainville ... Decidedly, I have not been easy these days! Between 10 and 13 November, there are 7 lectures of 1h30 each I have given ... Dry mouth, sore backs, sore feet. Phew! Hard, hard, to be a nutritionist! ;)
Well, over the changes from "chiâlage", now move on to positive things! Admit that you wanted to be with us during these presentations. Dynamism, crispy news and recipe ideas were in the spotlight! But most importantly, a topic that you particularly intriguing: healthy weight. And since you have the privilege to read, I must tell you a few highlights of this famous presentation! Ahem ... I keep you in suspense! I will not reveal the content that a ticket at a time. (A good way to make sure you come visit me? What ... Every entrepreneur has its marketing strategy!)
What think healthy weight?
One thing that plagues us, it's the dreaded number on the scale. (In 2007, a survey by the Dairy Farmers of Canada found that 75% of women who had wanted to lose weight at a healthy weight)
But in my opinion, this figure is neither more nor less than "penny black ". We can not rely solely than its weight to check his health. The famous * BMI (body mass index) is not the ultimate determinant of our healthy weight.
  • Do you exercise?
  • Do you eat your fill?
  • Do you smoke?
  • What is your waistline?
  • you feel good about yourself?

These are other questions to ask before even discussing calories from pounds, kilos of of balance ... Terms of my mouth leaks as often as possible ...

course, being overweight increases the risk of certain diseases (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc..) But in the same way, wanting to be thin is not to our advantage. Weight loss may very well lead to nutritional deficiencies, chronic fatigue, a decrease of self-esteem and especially loss of fun to eat!
And while society requires us to be thin to meet the standards of beauty, do not you think that our environment tends to make us develop overweight? Elevators instead of stairs, a drive-thru instead of walking, fast food every street corner ... Inactivity and poor food: nothing better way to enrich the pockets of the inventors of fad diets!
Think positive ... There are certainly healthier ways to maintain or achieve a healthy weight, rather than adhering to those famous diets. Ah, the regimes. Subject that I deal with in my next post.
Do not miss it! Meanwhile, start by cutting all ties with your scale;)
* To learn more about BMI, visit the fn-an/nutrition/weights-poids/guide-ld-adult/bmi_chart_java-graph_imc_java-fra.php . You can calculate your BMI and have a very general idea of your risk of suffering from health problems. The website of Passport Health also says hold the index:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Qoutes On Good Workout

Enough? You an apple ... chemical?

Last Friday, I was in Congress the Quebec Association of Teacher (s) of primary school. A kiosk on the school nutrition? What's more relevant, since children will eat three quarters of their time!?!

Stupefaction, when I saw the booth "Construction Trades" (uh, recruitment starts early?), that some insurance companies (!)... But it was not a surprise to meet with several business owners in making educational games, publishers of school books, etc.. Of course, like all shows, we try to attract customers to our booth. Games, animations (and chocolate tasting ... No report?) Attempt to seduce passersby.

An apple seemed to attract many, since the company kiosk achanlandé seemed well.

When I saw that the famous apple was actually wrapped in a "Saran-Wrap " I can not help to know why. No, but a little respect for the environment?

I do not describe myself as an activist "green-green" (I am not yet converted to composting, but it will come), but when I see things so absurd, it's stronger than me. So why, against the heart, that I encouraged the "movement-apple-polished-wrapped-in-a-plastic" in taking a lead for the home.

And what do I see? The company logo "burned" in the flesh of the apple. Yes yes ! They spent part of their budget on advertising to pierce the skin of an apple to write a word, but especially the coating of lemon juice from concentrate, sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulfite and oil synthetic lemon. Is that the logo would turn brown over time, no preservatives ...

I must admit it was the first time I read the ingredients of an apple . I still can not! All for publicity that will end up being bitten, swallowed, digested and pureed.

Next time, give apples fresh and a business card. I think it's more profitable.

No hard feelings:) But I do not eat that apple ...