Envirobat invites you to attend the next enviroDEBAT on sustainable mobility and urban development,
Friday, March 18, 2011 from 10am
Mouans Sartoux (go to the Hall Leo Lagrange - Walk of schools).
This year, with an innovative format enviroDEBATS "day", leaving an important place for debates and exchanges.
Program - Issues, Roles of different actors, current social trends
- Presentation of the multimodal Nice St Augustin
- bike stations in the station, presenting innovative experiences
- The walking bus Mouans Sartoux
- Roundtable: "multi-sustainable mobility, which impacts in terms of urban Urban, what changes in work practices.
The detailed program can be downloaded on this page .
Registration To participate, fill out the registration form before March 16, 2011.
Lunch is offered on site, and costs 15 €, to book before March 16 and to be paid online during registration.
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Reminder: enviroDEBATS meetings are open to all design professionals and construction. They are organized by Envirobat Mediterranean with the support of ADEME, the Region Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, and ERDF. The
enviroDEBATS are available free for a first participation as well as for members of Envirobat Mediterranean.
Contact: Beatrice Couderc, Communications Officer - T 04 42 69 09 32.
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