"Good financial news yesterday morning for Nice and the inhabitants of the urban community: the Minister for Ecology Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, announced that the state's grant was for the east-west line of the tram to 54.3 million. Of all the cities receiving assistance for their projects green transportation, Nice is one that receives financial assistance from the largest for a tram line. Questions Christian Estrosi, Deputy Mayor.
► This grant is it higher than originally planned?
Yes. The initial amount was 41.2 million. It therefore comes to 54.3 million, all of which must be added 2.1 million for the extension of Line 1 between Michel and the Pont Pasteur Hospital.
► In these times of fiscal crisis and credit squeeze, how to explain this generosity of the State in respect of Nice and its urban community?
In its first version, the east-west line ended at the Place Massena. Since we decided to extend it to the place Ile-de-Beauty and realize a portion of the route underground between François Grosso and the port. This is due to additional costs due to these changes I asked for a reassessment of aid. Fortunately for our finances, I managed to convince. This is another demonstration that an elected official who is respected and that weighs on the national scene, it counts.
► Do we know today the cost of the east-west line?
780 million euros TTC between the port and the prefecture.
► A final cost?
There is no one in France starts this magnitude can be said that the price is final even before work has begun. The amount may change upwards but also downwards. Tenders to be launched we may hold pleasant surprises, as has often happened in recent times. To date, the original estimate is not questioned.
► subsidies will be deducted. Besides the state, what other assistance will benefit the line 2?
The General Council has announced a grant of 47 million, a sum he will reevaluate to reflect the new version of the project. There are also aid the amount is yet to clarify, those of the regional council, the airport company, since part of the tram will serve the airport, and Europe.
► Europe?
Yes. These European funds earmarked for development in the regions. By adding, among other things, all these aids, our goal is to spend 780 million to a total of between 500 and 550 million euros. As such, the spreading in time, we can cope without putting a strain on public finances of our community urban.
► Are there counterparts to "gift" of the government of 54.3 million euros?
They are those of the Grenelle Environment. Our project has managed to convince the Minister of Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet and coordinator of large loan, Rene Ricol. We meet all environmental criteria. And do not forget that Manchester has been chosen as one of the thirteen eco-cities of France. The exchange hub multimodal project in St. Augustine was already a reference model. We will be the only city in Europe to have a pole like that.
► What the expected benefits to the environment of the east-west line once it becomes operational in 2016?
Many Benefits to the health of Nice, with a significant reduction in traffic between the central and western entrance to the city. Today there are 75,000 passengers by bus on this route, they will be 120 000 with the tram, as planned! The air quality will be improved big-tion when we know that this axis is currently most concerned by CO2 emissions.
Source: www.nicematin.fr 10 February 2011.
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