Monday, December 13, 2010

Lots Of Thick Cm 3 Dpo

Forget your line during the holiday season!

What? I made you frown my eyebrows with provocative title ? But as I admit that we are bombarded with information about "the excesses of the holiday season." And if you stop depriving yourself? Calculate your portion of meat pies and Christmas cake? Count how many alcoholic drinks you take? To think about the hateful calories you've just swallow ...

1. Spend quality time with your loved

Too often we forget to enjoy the moment we have with our family. Instead of being attentive to the small dishes, focus on your discussion. One subject that fascinates you, why not? We usually see very little of our family during the year too preoccupied with our work, kids, shopping ... The meal, so it's fun and important, but above all, there are valuable links to maintain!

2. Get out!

Who said that only served to snow snowy roads and cars? There are a variety of outdoor activities free to do as a couple, with friends and family: ice skating, skiing, snowshoeing, hiking ... Find out about the website of your municipality. We sometimes underestimate the originality of the activities you can do a few steps from home. Combine fun and physical activity: that you will forget the famous "weight of the holidays!

3. "It happens more than once a year"

How often do we get to the sugars, cream of Grandma saying to himself: "Bah, nevermind, the other, anyway, I do not eat more of the year! " To you who say this, I say, how dare you not to eat all year long? Deprive you 364 days a year is not the solution ... Go ahead: get the picture a couple of chocolate biscuits in the evening if you feel like it ... Melt a piece of dark chocolate in your mouth when the tablet is desired ... Soak your taste buds with ice cream if your freezer is calling you ... I bet the sugars and cream will be much less envy, knowing that you have every right to eat tomorrow and after tomorrow, and after-after-tomorrow.

Good. If you're like "yes, but if I take a bite, I flinch and eat the entire dish," nothing better than to meet a nutritionist (well, well, I am. And I moves you, too!) to better advise you.

that, I wish you a happy holiday season! For those who are wondering: YES I made sugar cream like every year. YES I put lots of butter and brown sugar. And I go on at once delighting one of these sweet little square before my father and my boyfriend finished trim (them, they do not eat "once a year";))

Merry Christmas!
Ho! Ho! Ho!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Much Watts 250 Gts

Travel in your mind!

Clear the car, the cold that gnaws the tip of our toes, being late to work, shoveling the driveway in order to go home ... I quickly returned to my routine this morning, noting that I had set foot in the sand, but in the snow! I would have wanted you all cook a good hot soup to comfort you. Except I better, why not go back with me on my visit to the Maya? What you warm under the tropical sun ...

Living the Mayan tradition
"We will eat snakes, monkeys and crocodiles, traditional Mayan food," said our guide on the bus. I saw the hair on their arms to roll up my father: "Ah bin there, me, I eat it. It Hits is the question!" I'm hard on him;) For my part, I was excited to taste. But I had already eaten the snake and the alligator: no monkeys terrified me not!

Before eating, we had to move a little. So we walked in the jungle, taking care not to touch trees. Because they are toxic! The Che-Chen secretes an acidic substance that burns our skin. Fortunately, right next pushes Cha-ka the antidote Che-Chen! Mother Nature does not let us down ...

Cha-ka and Chen Che-
you dizzy?
"Me, I do not rise. Eille is high and I'm going to fall!" cried my father just before our ascent in the pyramid of Coba. 120 narrow steps-not-very-solid later (remember that the pyramid was built 200 AD!), Believe me he regretted not having faced more than his vertigo. The view of the jungle to infinity is very striking on top of this pyramid!

eat again ...
After several minutes of sweat and quadriceps hardened we landed in front of a buffet .... beef. Pig. Chicken. Chile. Mexicans. No snakes, crocodiles, monkeys! Tour guides make funny jokes, to the delight of my father! Still, I have made this salsa with coriander and chilli ... habanero. You know, the one you burn in the throat for at least 25 minutes?
In Suzana
mixing in a few minutes later the bus (that there are potholes per square foot in the streets of Mayan villages), we Suzana landed in a Maya. Not everyone who wants to sleep in a hammock the toilet in a hole with soil and eat the pig that keeps its course ... While others took a picture inside the toilet (???), me, I was in awe of fruit trees that grew Suzana: avocado, papaya, coconut, pomegranate, noni, grapefruit, orange , banana, pineapple ... Ah! If I could eat these fruits directly from their tree every day.
Suzana shows us
how she made her embroidery

And then we went to eat (still eating) tortillas of "harina de maíz" in another Maya. Mmm! They were still warm. Nothing to do with those groceries, eh!

Now back in the freezer ... And at work! I have work to do. That's why I'm going to let a last look at this picture of the sea and enjoy the warmth it sends me (I am a poet in my spare time ...) Hasta la proxima

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Funny Things On Treadmill

Just before I left ... I criticize a product yet!

Those who rub me these days will not be impressed that I criticize, yet again! And yes, Jennifer needs a vacation. That is why a week of beach and hot sun waiting for me ...

Undoubtedly, others will say that I "whining" because I am a woman. Think again! I "whining" always a very good reason. This time, it is this product, I crossed over the counter cold salads from the grocery store. He immediately caught my eagle eye: a small box to look new, attractive colors and above all, a slogan (oh not original) of interest, however most people Quebecois: "IDEAL FOR PEOPLE PRESSED.

People hurry, read the following.

A price to pay for the freshness of the product? Yes. More salt to preserve it well.
The pretty little box with pastel shades of color may well boast of being composed of "fresh, quality ingredients," but goodness (!), Why do we find 840 mg of salt for a portion of 300 g? A second small dish like that, and we reach the amount of sodium already acceptable to consume each day. A third? Here we go beyond all limits ... For your information, 1c. teaspoon (5 ml) salt = 2400 mg sodium.

Looking vegetables
I want to believe that your so-called flat ideal, which is eaten "directly in the box", is named Mixed vegetables grilled ... And on the package, we see a plate well covered with zucchini, peppers and mushrooms grilled ... Do we have the same definition of "gardening"? Because in my opinion, this is a dish full of vegetables.

Sorry dear people in a hurry, but not with the meal you get a good dose of vitamins, minerals and fiber ... I used my magnifying glass is a nutritionist and a detective from myself. Once the account is, let me tell you the results of my investigation in the picture above. Let us console ourselves: there is at least 1/16th of your plate to be composed of vegetables! A first step has been taken. Let us, therefore, we bring a salad or raw vegetables in sideline ...

Finally finished, my period "chiâlage. You would have thought worse, is not it? Whatever! The important thing is that I have given you your dose for next week while I'm in the sun, sipping una pina colada "or one of those delicious Miami Vice.

So on my return, I rousepéterai more. Promise! But I criticize always provided prepared meals ...

good week!

NB: For more information on sodium, visit the following address: -vsv/food-aliment/sodium_fra.pdf

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stomach Pains And Peeing A Lot

You missed my lecture at Énergie Cardio?

Boucherville, Repentigny, Laval, Montreal, Blainville ... Decidedly, I have not been easy these days! Between 10 and 13 November, there are 7 lectures of 1h30 each I have given ... Dry mouth, sore backs, sore feet. Phew! Hard, hard, to be a nutritionist! ;)
Well, over the changes from "chiâlage", now move on to positive things! Admit that you wanted to be with us during these presentations. Dynamism, crispy news and recipe ideas were in the spotlight! But most importantly, a topic that you particularly intriguing: healthy weight. And since you have the privilege to read, I must tell you a few highlights of this famous presentation! Ahem ... I keep you in suspense! I will not reveal the content that a ticket at a time. (A good way to make sure you come visit me? What ... Every entrepreneur has its marketing strategy!)
What think healthy weight?
One thing that plagues us, it's the dreaded number on the scale. (In 2007, a survey by the Dairy Farmers of Canada found that 75% of women who had wanted to lose weight at a healthy weight)
But in my opinion, this figure is neither more nor less than "penny black ". We can not rely solely than its weight to check his health. The famous * BMI (body mass index) is not the ultimate determinant of our healthy weight.
  • Do you exercise?
  • Do you eat your fill?
  • Do you smoke?
  • What is your waistline?
  • you feel good about yourself?

These are other questions to ask before even discussing calories from pounds, kilos of of balance ... Terms of my mouth leaks as often as possible ...

course, being overweight increases the risk of certain diseases (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc..) But in the same way, wanting to be thin is not to our advantage. Weight loss may very well lead to nutritional deficiencies, chronic fatigue, a decrease of self-esteem and especially loss of fun to eat!
And while society requires us to be thin to meet the standards of beauty, do not you think that our environment tends to make us develop overweight? Elevators instead of stairs, a drive-thru instead of walking, fast food every street corner ... Inactivity and poor food: nothing better way to enrich the pockets of the inventors of fad diets!
Think positive ... There are certainly healthier ways to maintain or achieve a healthy weight, rather than adhering to those famous diets. Ah, the regimes. Subject that I deal with in my next post.
Do not miss it! Meanwhile, start by cutting all ties with your scale;)
* To learn more about BMI, visit the fn-an/nutrition/weights-poids/guide-ld-adult/bmi_chart_java-graph_imc_java-fra.php . You can calculate your BMI and have a very general idea of your risk of suffering from health problems. The website of Passport Health also says hold the index:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Qoutes On Good Workout

Enough? You an apple ... chemical?

Last Friday, I was in Congress the Quebec Association of Teacher (s) of primary school. A kiosk on the school nutrition? What's more relevant, since children will eat three quarters of their time!?!

Stupefaction, when I saw the booth "Construction Trades" (uh, recruitment starts early?), that some insurance companies (!)... But it was not a surprise to meet with several business owners in making educational games, publishers of school books, etc.. Of course, like all shows, we try to attract customers to our booth. Games, animations (and chocolate tasting ... No report?) Attempt to seduce passersby.

An apple seemed to attract many, since the company kiosk achanlandé seemed well.

When I saw that the famous apple was actually wrapped in a "Saran-Wrap " I can not help to know why. No, but a little respect for the environment?

I do not describe myself as an activist "green-green" (I am not yet converted to composting, but it will come), but when I see things so absurd, it's stronger than me. So why, against the heart, that I encouraged the "movement-apple-polished-wrapped-in-a-plastic" in taking a lead for the home.

And what do I see? The company logo "burned" in the flesh of the apple. Yes yes ! They spent part of their budget on advertising to pierce the skin of an apple to write a word, but especially the coating of lemon juice from concentrate, sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulfite and oil synthetic lemon. Is that the logo would turn brown over time, no preservatives ...

I must admit it was the first time I read the ingredients of an apple . I still can not! All for publicity that will end up being bitten, swallowed, digested and pureed.

Next time, give apples fresh and a business card. I think it's more profitable.

No hard feelings:) But I do not eat that apple ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Milena Velba And Frends

I cast an evil spell! After

Abracadabra ... Using my broom and my magical powers, I've trapped. You are doomed for the rest of your day to cook! Ha Ha Ha!

Ohhh. I know. It would be impossible. I am not a nutritionist "evil". But let me have a little fun. It's Halloween! And as I am sad that in my neighborhood, all the young of the "epoch" have now become great ... On my street, no house is in disguise. But I still young in my heart (though not very old in my body!) And I want to inspire you to give a scare to your brats (and even you!) On this day teeerrrriiiifffiaaaaaante! Blah blah blah .... I feel awesome! Some tips to celebrate Halloween in style!

Bewitch your meal

On Halloween, the whole city is happy to offer a treat for children bewitched. And once a year, do not bother to respond! To avoid the "overdose", book and candy for dessert prepare light meals. Redeem containers of fruit juice for water bottles. Their sweet tooth will be filled with enough candy .... Halloween is a magical time for children, let your little monster enjoy! Once the party is over and gently return to your good habits.


Why not cook dishes scary? Add a few drops of red food coloring, blue and green vegetables to your soup until it turns black. Here it is worthy of an entry to the Frankenstein! All will be appalled at a tasting of eye bulging. Pour apple juice in packaging of eggs in clear plastic. Paste the red grapes or blueberries into wards. It'll just freeze them and eat them in a punch prepared specially for the occasion.

bet that your little monsters will die of want to eat some sweets before bedtime last. After this sweet day with hope, better their remember to brush their teeth well. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Having Bleeding 8 Days Before Periods


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Logitech Rightsonud Tm Technology

Man is a Danger Angel. Example

Yet it was a day that started normally, I woke up super late so for now no changement.Alors as usual I went to find motorcycle the day ahead. Quietly rolling, and proud of this good mood, I never thought that the situation could change from one moment to another. Far from doubt, yes the doubt, not that of Descartes, but the simple question! The scene takes place in Maroua, a town in the far north Cameroon. City known for its scorching sun and ardent.Oublions this detail if you want ... I continue my story (...) So here I am spirit to ride quietly on a motorcycle scooter when I was suddenly struck from behind by another bike, it was "a motorcycle-taxi" which surely was traveling at high speed! of course that I had not seen it coming, but to hear the hum of "craft", it could assign no less than 60Km / H. I just had time to feel a slight wind to carry me, then I swing like a bum on skid row soil. Soil, tarmac! Crash! and then the accident is the taxi-man banging against the dash! her skull fractured, and a piece of brain out. The body crashes like a can now is thinking of God and call for help! But it's too late, the windows exploded, pieces of glass sinks in the body, engine parts, barrel and drove into the decor ... Such a fate is the witnesses in a trance, this is what that called change of atmosphere ....

Given the atmosphere was better shifting, standing like the army I 'messed myself inside the left foot. "Faya" on the guy! which was brought post-haste to the emergency and put into intensive care. God willing everything went well for me. Unannounced, observation and analysis of the situation. Blah, blah, it does not change the tide. This is just replied Mr formality officer. Then pulling almost destroyed my bike, I disappeared into the background ... Out free of such an accident? must see to believe. But God, God who sits in heaven in chief, is great! As to the man, he is an angel in Danger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Interview Follow Up Email

omega-3, probiotics, prebiotics, here are the STEROLS!

Have you seen the new star (plant sterols) in the Becel? Maybe not. But we, as nutritionists, we have been bombarded with information by post (by none other than Becel, of course) on the "great benefit" for this product. Besides (bracket), I support a fellow nutritionist much about it, launching again this subtle message Becel "release us with your promotional brochures" (!) For my part, I I walk enough in the aisles of the grocery store to learn about new products. No need to waste your papers with me, I throw them. Unfortunately. (

I return to my sterols. Not those in the Becel, but in the new Astro yogurt BioBest with plant sterols. Hmmm. It does not pass the board of Genevieve! At 7 $ .00 Package of 8 yogurt, is it a drop of plant sterols (Incidentally, this is a molecule that helps lower blood cholesterol ...) that will solve the problems miraculously blood cholesterol all those who suffer?
Leave me in doubt. Especially after reading the advertisement that is made: "It was dismantled an adult should consume 2 grams of plant sterols daily to reduce cholesterol levels, which equates to eat every day 100 lbs of vegetables raw or only TWO servings of yogurt Astro BioBest Plant Sterols . Source: (accessed October 11, 2010)

It's unanimous: I think that all consumers have no desire to eat 2 yogurts than 100lbs of vegetables. Come , the "marketers", find something else, sorry! Tell us that it is a molecule that has beneficial properties on the blood cholesterol, that yogurt is one food you might choose to help you improve it, but it must continue to make healthy Life in general (and that includes eating vegetables! Not 100lbs per day, but would that at least 5 servings ?)...

Not bad sterols. I see no problems. But if only we could stop giving the misleading arguments that consumers are aware of the truth. OK, perhaps there least of sterols in vegetables. Is this a reason to put them aside and focus on a yogurt that has no fiber, no vitamins, minerals or vegetables?

Finally, the most important when choosing a food is 1) Is it nutritious? 2) Will I experience a pleasure to eat? In the case of yogurt Astro BioBest to Plant Sterols are answered YES to 1. But at 2, bah. I find that the taste leaves much to be desired. As you pass the ultimate test and give me your thoughts and comments ...


Monday, October 4, 2010

Battery Water Fountain

an evening of Madness

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Big Fun Motorcycle Trials Dowload

Toc toc toc ... "Who's there?" It's me, the nutritionist! When

Gone, by written advice and nutritional analysis around a desk. I am convinced that for lasting change, we must equip people live from their homes. While I was traveling home and having an idea of the contents of your pantry, I can help you so realistic !

Let me convince you ...
Scenario # 1: Mr X wants to have advice to eat better and lose a few pounds. However, he reports to the office of a nutritionist, who in exchange for a 60 minute discussion about his diet, gave him some recommendations in writing. "Include vegetables at meals ... Save a snack in the morning ..." OK, this is the simplistic, but for the purposes of this example let's do it together.

Arrived at home, Mr. X realizes he does not really know how to prepare vegetables. Moreover, it does not really like it and do not fit in the fridge. And if he thinks his wife has the time to cook up vegetables for dinner, forget that idea. Between the metro, the job and the dodo, no time to make lunches. Hmmm ... What will he choose for snack? The nutritionist has proposed combining two foods, one with the other carbohydrates with proteins. He will go to the grocery store ... (Horreur!)

After several weeks of effort, motivation was flagging. He falls into his old habits and thought that change is too complicated ...

No Judgement!
Know that all nutritionists are doing their best to empower people. But sometimes (as in the case of Mr. X) they are not really ready to change. Difficult to implement our advice. Even if we try to go slowly and empower clients, their eating habits are often ingrained ...

is why I decided to confront individuals. I'm moving home, I open their pantry. I can see inside their fridge. The status of their furnaces. The range of extras lying around on the counter. The mess in the kitchen cabinets. I do not judge: it is the reality of the people I meet and I accept it. We have all the "brew in cheek" ... Nothing is perfect! I accompany you. Your objective is to eat more vegetables? To prepare your fish to do differently to love your children? Prepare a balanced menu for the week? To finding new foods at the grocery store? Decode the restaurant's menu? I adapt to you based on your reality. Granola bars are your favorite snack? Lack of time prevents you from cooking? Far be it from me to advise you to cook yourself your granola bars to make them nutritious. I go with you to the grocery store to help you choose. Or there is another alternative that will take a second to put you in the tooth. Basically, any request for on improving your diet , I bow before you and I meet your expectations.

One day at a time ...
I can already hear all the nutritionists say: "You do not empower people. You give them all into his lap." Tut tut tut! Remember ladies and gentlemen I give you the kick-off. I equips, but far be it from me to stay with you for the rest of your days to prepare your meals, your meals and grocery shopping! I just want to simplify your life, a moment so you can understand how each small change is easy when you do it with pleasure. Yes, it takes a little determination! But I'm here to convince you and keep you from letting go.

So who would welcome my visit? Empathy, listening and giggling guaranteed! :)

I Think I Have Throat Cancer What Should I Do

For France, the country now for inospitalier

You do not know maybe the national anthem and words.

La Marseillaise

Come, children of the fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived.
Against us, tyranny
The bloody flag is raised! (bis)
you hear in the countryside
howling of these fearsome soldiers?
They come into your midst,
slaughter our son and your companions!

To arms, citizens!
Form your battalions!
Walk! Walk!

impure blood water our fields.

What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conspiratorial kings?
For whom these vile chains
These long-prepared irons? (bis)
French! for us, ah! What an insult! What
that must excite!
is us they dare plan To return to
ancient slavery!


What! These foreign troops Would make laws in
our homes!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
down our proud warriors! (bis)
Good God ... For
chained hands Our brows would bend beneath the yoke!
vile despots would
masters of our destiny;


Tremble, tyrants! and you, traitors,
The shame of all parties.
Tremble ! Your projects ... parricides
Will finally receive their prize! (bis)
Everyone is a soldier to fight you.
If they fall, our young hero,
The earth produces new
against you ready to fight!


as magnanimous warriors Bear or hold back your blows.
Spare these sad victims That they regret taking up arms against
us. (bis)
But these bloody despots These accomplices of
All these tigers who mercilessly Ripped
womb ...


Sacred Love of the Fatherland,
Lead, support our avenging arms!
Freedom! Cherished liberty, Fight with your defenders
. (bis)
Under our flags, let victory Hurry to your manly

That your dying enemies See your triumph and our glory:

(chorus) Verse

children: We

enter the pit When our elders are no more.
We shall find their dust And
track of their virtues. (bis)
Much less jealous of surviving them Than of sharing their
We have the sublime pride Of avenging or
follow them.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brazillian Wax Uncencored

anxiety, grief, joy or anger we dig appetite ...

"A good chocolate cake good" pig ", it's gonna make good, my friend (s)! "

You were told that because your boyfriend or your girlfriend left you. Because you cast an important exam. Because you lost your job. Or even, because your dog died ... We all eat at least once, our emotions!

For my part, I try as best as possible not to amuse myself with my favorite pastime: THE FOOD! And it happens frequently, views my emotions into a rollercoaster. " OK. I confess (drumroll ...): I am sick in my head . Do not worry, I'm far from crazy! ;) But I tell you the truth: I am hypochondriac. Voila! Sick, but only in my head. I imagine diseases. I have consulted, to no avail. I will always think that every little "bobo" I have cancer of the entire body .

My seizures are very similar to anxiety attacks I think about my pain, I imagine a disease, I look on Internet. Obviously, I am terminally ill, to read everything you said about my symptoms ... nothing reassuring. I breathe quickly, I have a lump in my throat ... I want to eat my feelings! Rage of sugar, fat rage. I want a good glass of wine to relax. Yes, a nutritionist has its weaknesses. However, I have a few more tricks in my kettle of fish to avoid falling each time into a "good chocolate cake" pig. " Here are some tips that can satisfy the belly, or even avoid empty your pantry when you are "in Boutte.

1. Crack for crackers "nutritive !
Presumably those made of rice, or other good crisp made from several whole grains. I always say that when it is crisp, at least it gives the impression that I eat "cochoneries. So here I am satisfied with having done "croush-croush" after a few tears shed. I like Thins rice, whole wheat Melba Fine grains or Dare. Even better, there are Lavash Linseed Pita Break (with hummus, yum!) All nutritious choices for your cravings for salty tooth.

2. I dive into my yogurt ...
A must for me: I'm opening a pot of yogurt flavor that I prefer (framboise!) and I added a handful of walnuts or sometimes a handful of my favorite cereals (Kashi of honey and almonds). It's creamy and at the same time, it is "crunch". What better way to meet my taste buds? (Okay, I admit it's been very grano as "Snack of depression." Sorry, it's rare (but possible) that nutritionists have chips and cookies double chocolate in the pantry!)

3. On occasion, I crack! (Reasonably)
Thanks to my father who, as you know now after I read one of my recent blog articles, keep a few liters of ice cream Coaticook, sometimes I let myself be tempted by a delicious iced. But be careful, to warm my little heart, a better measure ice-cream scoop (and not with a ladle which has three bowls of soup ...) So, I use a small ball, though "compact" on a nice horn . Ah yes, I almost forgot ... I complete with a half square of dark chocolate to decorate my ice cream cone (it reminds me of when I worked at Laura Secord!) Oops, second confession of the day: a nutritionist actually worked in a sweetshop. You have proof that you can be "grano", knowing enjoy the little pleasures when the opportunity arises!

And you, do you happen to eat your emotions? What do you eat for "satiate"?

PS: I want you to know that I do not always encourage you to eat when you have the "Motton" to the throat. Move, do an activity you love, bathing, dancing, cooking, call a friend, listen to a chick flick (or a movie guys), read a good book, shopping ... These are other options a bit more sense. But hey, let's be realistic: you will surely, once among many others, you do have your stomach

... I gotta go, I have a pain in the right upper quadrant that radiates up my lumbar vertebra # L1 ... These are the jokes friend (s) s! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Broken Capillary Treatment, Vancouver

3, 2, 1 ... Go!

Sunday, September 5, 2010. Day that I look forward for a long time. This is a marathon! Well, I do not want to "brag" I still started with a 10 km. We will review the option of 21km next year! But for me, to 10km, it was quite a feat. I remember a time (... at the dawn of my twenties ...) during which I scorned the race completely. "2 km run? Are you crazy?" I'll never follow you! " I bet I'll tan you with my stories e x endless, but here is the gentleman who ran. Me, I preferred to pretend I do muscles at the gym while discussing everything and anything with my girlfriend. But at least I worked my jaw muscles, right? Yeah, I do not think it counts as a physical activity that ...

Then one day I decided to go and face my first 2 km. It was not easy. I gave myself with all my strength, my throat was bleeding, my breathing was difficult, I had a cramp in the stomach in the foot in the little toe ... In short, all the excuses were good for me to stop. Especially since while I ran, sir, he was walking! (We did not have the same length of stride, good!) As you can see, I did not stop. I continued, continued, continued ...

While he has always impressed me, I can tell you that today, it's me that runs more than him! Phew! What is his little 8km next to my 10? (Okay, there j'me "bragging "...) I
bluntly developed a passion for racing. It's an outlet, I surrender to the sound of my mp3 player, I look at my Polar watch with so much attention to make sure to run good heart, I have designed special shoes for my "Mosus "flat feet and even the little kit all-in-pink pair of games with my low ... (Those who know me will not be surprised that the little kit is pink! Woe to me: my running shoes are turquoise ...)

Conclusion: take my story as an example. I do not want to convince you to do the marathon tomorrow morning, but at least try to experience the race. If you feel discouraged, surround yourself. Find your friends, colleagues, family, anyone who can push you or motivate you to continue. The daily physical activity, it does not come alone. It should be of interest and have the desire to be active. As it is always easier to keep a tiny room for hours to make.

I am sure that stories like mine, y 'are others. And, if you tell me about how you are addicted to physical activity? Come on, it will encourage others.

Who knows, maybe will be there be next year's marathon?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Malaria Body Parts That Affected

"I feel it, I have a stomach ache, it looks like it will explode ..." Allow yourself

I quote my ex "When j'mange yogurt or cheese, I'm not capable. I'm blocked in two. Worse if I drink a glass of milk, it is a disaster: I spend my day in the bathroom! I can able to eat ice cream and j'mets soy milk in my mashed potatoes. But I take goat's milk, that I have no problem. Decidedly I am truly lactose intolerant. "

Ouch. You imagine me prepare him meals or treats? "Ok No cheese on the left side of my lasagna ... Milk in my cake? Too bad, J'lui say no, ys'en will not notice. Oops, there's evaporated milk in my sugar and cream. Bah, he'll eat the same, they are too good "

But my ex ! So now I am not asking more questions when I have the hands-on ... But I'm still for those who deny themselves and complicated life as he did. Let's face it: who wants to deprive themselves of ice cream? So yeah, to take stock of lactose intolerance.

1. "Lactose intolerance" is it anyway that, in the winter?
Someone intolerant lactose does not produce enough of an enzyme called lactase "located in the gut. Lactase function is to "cut" the lactose into two so that it is then absorbed into your bloodstream, then used by your cells to produce energy. Not enough lactase? Lactose fermented by bacteria in your gut and is transformed into a "gas". You can imagine the rest: it is necessary that this gas is removed at one time or another ...

But why do they make some less lactase? It seems that the decrease of the enzyme lactase "Is genetically programmed, and that its production decreases after weaning (or when you introduce solid foods in the diet of baby) So many people have less lactase and therefore absorb less lactose. However, be aware that this is not because you do not absorb much lactose you are automatically considered "lactose intolerant". To win the prestigious title of "intolerant", it must at least meet two criteria: 1) Have symptoms secondary to malabsorption AND 2) Have a positive result from a medical test, which measures the amount of hydrogen (the famous gas makes you bloated) in the air that you breathe through your mouth. Nope: it's not because you have a stomach ache that you are intolerant! You must pass an exam to confirm everything. Who knows? You may be suffering from another intestinal disorder whose symptoms can be confused with those of lactose intolerance (irritable bowel, celiac disease, etc..) Do not take chances, my friends!

2. Depriving yourself completely? Totally unwarranted!
Many people are unnecessarily deprive of milk and dairy products, under the pretext that these foods cause them digestive discomfort. However, a recent review (quite impressive thank you) of scientific articles on the subject of the National Institutes of Health, it would seem that there is no reason to deprive yourself completely. And they are extremely nutritious foods! They contain protein, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and so on. In short, if we swapped the glass of milk for a cup of liquor or a fruit punch, you're losing!

3. What to do so if I'm really intolerant?
There is always that famous Lactaid, a milk cow to lower grade lactose. Or lactase capsules that you swallow before taking milk. But know that every individual has his own tolerance level. However, a person can take ¼ cup of milk (60 ml) and then have no symptoms or almost, while another is unable to take a bite of ice cream. Let's be clear: all studies show that symptoms usually apparraissent from eating more than about 12 g of lactose. A cup of skim milk (250 ml) contains between 11 and 13 g of lactose. So if you experience symptoms below this dose of lactose, there is something fishy: Consult your doctor!
Moreover, yogurt and hard cheeses (cheddar, mozzarella, Swiss cheese, etc..) Or aged are generally better tolerated because they contain little or no lactose (between 3 and 4 g in the yogurt and between 0.3 and 1 g for cheese). These are the methods of milk processing in these products that "digest" lactose. It is also said that chocolate milk is better tolerated. Finally, goat milk contains an equivalent amount of lactose compared to cow's milk, about 11 grams per cup (250 ml). (Definitely, I hope my ex is reading this!)
... And no, I do not forget the vegetarian or organic food enthusiasts: soy milk, provided it is enriched, can help meet the needs of calcium and vitamin D. These two nutrients are largely derived from cow's milk in our diet. Know by cons need stir the soy beverage containers because the substances added in order to enrich tend to stick to the walls of the package. And that, I do not think you can eat!

PS: For those who believe that this post is funded by the milk lobby, then no, it is not. I am a nutritionist and I firmly believe that milk and dairy products, it is nutritious. Like any other food, if taken in reasonable, without neglecting the vegetables, fruits, grain products and meat and alternatives, it does not cause harm to anyone, period. Rule: variety and balance. :) Of course you can drink a beverage of rice, almond or soy if you like! But do not put completely aside dairy, because it is they who are the best sources of calcium and vitamin D. Especially because our body absorbs nutrients better when both are consumed at the same time and they derived from milk.
With that, I hope I helped you, ladies and intolerant!

References: , under "Nutrition", "What think" and "food intolerance", accessed August 23, 2010

National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement, Lactose Intolerance and Health, NIH, 22-24/02/2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Diy Karate Belt Display Rack


Orthorexia: when good eating becomes an obsession. The orthorexic planning meals a week in advance, reads and rereads the labels at the grocery store, check the source of food for responsible consumption, does not allow food too rich or too sweet ... And he (she) thinks constantly about what she eats! And no ... I'm not all that. I sometimes lack time to plan my meals, but I try. I sometimes feel like your sweet tooth, so to hell with nutrition facts! Nobody is perfect, even nutritionists. And it does not make us bad shoe shod, to paraphrase the expression. Because healthy eating is also afford to waive any recommendations on nutrition. Recall that in the right food, there is first and foremost ... fun!

But sometimes, I confess I am a little extreme, even a little "sanctimonious." I want to empower people so that I want to tell them too! "Watch it, watch it, watch it, check it ... I do not want to orthorexics person, especially not a headache to people who are a point of" not too fat, especially Omega-3 ... ... more fiber less salt ... "is enough! This little story will make you understand why I will now always careful about give advice ...

This weekend, I went grocery shopping. Nothing extraordinary you'll tell me, but this time, I was not alone. I was with my father. Phew! With him, it is not easy. You know, the kind of man you want in every aisle after two seconds left eye? Well, it's him.

Joking! Male, 64, Papounet his second name is in excellent health (he runs 3 times a week and going to the gym 2 times a week !!!). He never really cared what he ate. But fortunately, he likes pasta and vegetables brown! In terms of legumes, brown rice and tofu, he spends his lap! He, his "dada" are cookies, tarts, date squares, cakes ... And I thought it cook more nutritious versions of homemade cookies, whatever: for him, it seems to be most fun when it comes out of a box! I know that as a nutritionist, we try as little as possible to interfere in "family matters". It is a source of endless obstinacy. But here on Saturday at Metro, I made my nutritionist a little "moralizing . I cracked:

- "Jennifer, it's me good for health? "

-" Dad, these are chocolate cookies. "

-" Yes, but they look homemade, and look on the package, it says: "Source of fiber and energy. "

(In my head: Grrr ... How many times have I told him not to rely on packaging and allegations?)

And I reply (I admit, I was impatient in addition, that day):
- "Pappy, throws So a look at the ingredients list ... White flour, vegetable oil shortening, sugar, glucose, fructose, honey, brown sugar, sorbitol, molasses ... This is as good as plastic dipped in sugar that case there! "From

plastic sugar ... Naughty girl I am. Maybe it was his little pleasure for the rest of the week! In reality, I knew we had a box of Whippets (but dark chocolate 70%, the excuse was "health" of my father ...) at home and had also bought 3 liters of cream Special Coaticook ice in recent weeks ... Although I am not perfect, I still like my pantry looks like the recommendations in nutrition!

But to prove to you how happy this little "sugar plasticized" precedence over everything and that my speech has served in no moralizing, Papuan returned the next day to buy a pint of milk and her cookies ... !

So ladies and gentlemen, I will not do with you what I did with my father. To preach, it does not work. I give you the maximum possible advice. Take-away and leave-in. Make small changes gradually, without becoming obsessed by the contents of your plate. That's how, in the long term, you can enjoy all the benefits of a healthy diet (which also includes small gourmet dishes!) Do not be adamant on yourself, allow yourself imperfection. To be balanced in your body and your mind, there is a balance to everything!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Brampton Hair Salons Black People

No desserts in my furnace in the summer!

Last week I went to dinner at my Aunt Loulou (Louise's name). It was a traditional meal, "in a homely," we always orchestra the same way My cousin cooks the main meal and I, good nutritionist that I am, I'll take care of the "sweet" of our family gatherings: the dessert ...

And yes, I have a sweet tooth! Impossible, so if you invite me to dinner, to see me come up with for dessert, a fruit salad. Or a bowl of vanilla yogurt. Or nothing at all. I am not for "one must flee fatty and sugary desserts because it goes directly in the buttocks. This is false. Enable them from time to time and reasonably, it might just make you happy and satisfy your craving to eat treats. Farewell taboos, no more sugar cravings. Enjoy special occasions to cook what you want .

I return to my main subject. Always in search of originality and wanting to impress my guests, I asked myself what could I cook well, this time for dessert? Of course, with the oppressive heat that hung in the house (no air conditioning at home ... ouch!) So I had to content myself with a simple dessert to prepare and original, which called for little or no cooking. At 40 degrees Celsius, I do not light my oven to bake pies or cakes, I have no courage! I

therefore decided to bring the local creamery Aunt Loulou. We created a sundae bar . Yum! There was something for the stomach and small ... great! Everyone had a great time and found the idea very original. So I want to share with you some tips so you can relive the experience at home. You will give me some news!

Tip # 1: shivers of happiness ... More
yad'invités it, the more you can afford to buy different flavors of cream or frozen yogurt: vanilla (tradition ...), chocolate (It's inevitable ...), strawberry, black cherry, maple, orange, pistachio ... Opt for those with less toppings, because God knows that you add when preparing your sundae! If people are less likely to your table, opt for one or two varieties, the question of limiting the remaining ... I suggest you also true of real ice cream. No one made milk ingredients. Be sure to check the ingredient list and look for the logo 100% Canadian (with the little cow ...) This will ensure that your product is made from milk and cream from home! I do not represent any trademark, but I can tell you that ice cream looks Coaticook among my favorites.

Tip # 2: Trim off-the-ordinary!
Yes, multicolored candies and peanuts, it tastes good. But to impress the guests off the beaten track: filaments coconut, almonds, mini marshmallows, dried cranberries ... And I can not help but inspire you to add a touch of "nutritious" on your sundaes . Why not fresh fruit between two layers of cream or frozen yogurt? Strawberries, raspberries, peaches or pears sliced, diced or eat pineapple banana slices, kiwi slices ... That "vitamin" your sundae.

If the chocolate syrup, melted caramel or strawberry sauce part of your sundae bar , pour into small individual containers along with a teaspoon for your guests to use. Although I am for the "treats", such syrups are still very sweet. And when the bottle is on the table, people tend to add in every bite ...

Tip # 3: After the contents, the container!
Put in full view. Serve your delights frozen in glasses Wine colored plastic, elongated bowls (type "banana split"), coffee mugs or Bodum Brazilian , waffle bowls, or even the halves of large oranges or grapefruit hollow.

You could always go to the Creamery nearest you walk, question your convenience. But I guarantee you'll have much more fun to customize your sundaes, with family around a table. That ends the dinner with a bang!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Paper Towels And Absorption

TV, TV, tell me what I should eat, and go buy me ...

We are surrounded by ads ... MOVE is rather a better word! There are all kinds of telephone companies advertising (have you seen that of Bell in the Metro? Can now read an advantage to joining Bell services on each of the steps of the stairs. It is all attacking!) advertisements for cosmetics, film, cloth scratched ... But not forgetting the food advertising!

studies that say a lot ...
A 2005 study by researchers from Laval University reviewed 483 hours of TV recording, during which 2267 advertisements (23% of all ads) showcased food. We then analyzed 177 advertisements matching the search criteria to analyze the nutritional content. In total, 135 food products are identified and misery ... 73.2% of products are not part of four groups Food Guide. Soft drinks, fast food, sugary or high fat ... That's what we expose the Quebec population, but especially our young, easily influenced ... Did you know that children aged between two and 11 years on average 25 hours watching television week? And they are exposed to more 40,000 commercials a year? Those that already at the age of five years and even if they do not read, young people recognize the company logos and associate them with a popular brand of "cool" that they must buy to make Mom Dad ... C ' is proved, according to a recent study published in 2010 in the journal Psychology and Marketing . It scares you when I tell you that the same scientific study showed that 93% of those aged between three and five years recognized the logo of McDonalds? No wonder the World Health Organization has recognized that advertising was a factor in obesity among young ...

Young victims and trial of children with regard to the nutritional quality of food is certainly not the same as adults. Know a child who drops french fries for a plate of broccoli? Not me. Even children of parents with more "granola" prefer the fried vegetables. They chose as their taste buds, they!

Although advertising is prohibited for children under 13 years in Quebec, we must tell the real things: the law has several shortcomings. Thus, if advertising intended for children 13 and under, but it also applies to adults, it is saved! That is what some food industries have given as an argument. We want the promotion of a product to children? Will there by putting pictures of Disney characters on packages of food (the law allows advertising on the packaging) ...

Again and again junk food
short time ago, a study published in the Journal of the American Association Dietitic identified that the majority of food advertising accounted for nutrients associated with chronic diseases (sugar, sodium, fat in large quantities). According to that study, a diet of food only seen on TV contain 25 times the daily intake of sugar and 20 times the fat. When will the advertisement in which we made the promotion of a delicious fruit salad, full of flavor and freshness? Probably never. The government did not have the same budget that the big industrial

... All in all, "repetition is the mother of learning" ... Seeing and reviewing (and revising ...) these ads, we may well want to eat what is before us! I So again (yes, yes, I'll do my "dietetic" here ...): make room for vegetables and fresh fruit, whole grain products, processed meats least possible, legumes, eggs and dairy products Then ... on the occasion, a little sweet, a little salty, there is no harm in that!

And you, are you influenced by advertising?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Does It Mean To Have Low Hemo Glowbin

Sectors: Deals water-bagged

It's not just mineral water producers who make good business in the area of sales of mineral water pouch. "I sell water in bag 50 cl. I buy pallets of 20 bags at 500 CFA francs that I sell at FCFA 1,000. I have a 100% profit. I was the book on site in company cars, "said Ms. Gilbert, the neighborhood grocer Mboum-Aviation. Doing almost the same business, Pascal, grocer Houro-Ngalbidjé says he refuels the market. "There are many depots and stores. The pallet of water to 1000 FCFA sold me. Earnings is 25 FCFA per bag sold. This is equivalent to a 100% profit included the cost of transportation, "he analyzes.
Sheikh Khalib him, in addition to bagged mineral water, bottled water sells 1.5 liter and produced locally. He explains that "the pallets of water cost a 2300 market and all deposits. The profit is 600 CFA francs per pallet sale. " If water is available in the shops, bars, restaurants and secretariats equipped with refrigerator, best sellers are itinerant water sellers. "When it's hot, I can sell three to five pallets of the day "Said Bouba seller to the former Elf station. Its customers, passengers travel agencies to destinations Maroua and Ngaoundere. For Ali and
Mohamadou, two water vendor met at the grammar school, the times are not good but "alhamdu lilaahi, it's going," says Ali, aged 12. With small breaks, the two boys roam the streets of the city and especially the central market place of reunion and meet people. "Sometimes I do CFA from 1000 to 2000 earnings," said his companion.
If local producers refuse to disclose their turnover, "To date, we have produced 1442 pallets 20 of 60 cl. To have an exact figure is 28,840 bags that our only machine produced from January to June 2010, "says the director of Kani Water. To counter attract customers, "I made the bag a volume of 60 cl with respect to our comrades who produce bags of 50 cl. It gives me a way to give plenty of water to drink. I sell the pallet of 20 bags at 500 CFA francs, equivalent to 25 CFA francs each. When they sell, they make a profit of 25 CFA francs on our backs, "said Director of Water Kani, Nicolas Palou. A spring
Sahel, the daily output dry season of 1000 pallets of 20 bags. "During the rainy season, we produce 1,000 pallets every 5 days," says the director general of the Industrial Society of Mineral Waters (Sidem) Boubakary Hadab. Asked about his turnover, he said that it is not important and reveals, however, that business is not very good in this period of rain. "Right now it's a start. I was initially attracted to the city to have an idea already, "said the director of Kanu water that does not yet have a dedicated distribution unlike that manages Sidim two kinds of customers: wholesalers and semi-wholesalers. "We are now in the Far North and a small part of Chad," boasts the DG Sidem intending to distribute its product throughout the country.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What Does A Nuetral Wire Do

Roumdé Adji: Behind the Lions until the end

Until the last minute, the childhood friends, neighbors, acquaintances and fans of Vincent Abubakar dominated the shrill sound of Vuvuzela the Green Point Stadium in Cape emitted by the TV set installed in the courtyard of the family Cotton-sport player, called the national team. More than two hours before the match, the stage was already planted with the arrival of Lions fans Indomitable in the family home of Lion located in the heart of Roumdé-Adji.
When Cameroonians kick sending under the direction of the Chilean referee Pablo Pozo, hope could be read on the faces. "Lions are eliminated but they will make a graceful exit by beating the Netherlands by 2-0" launches a voice in the crowd while his companions nodding in approval. However, with two wins from two matches, the Dutch, already qualified for the knockout stages, did not come for fun. All actions of the Indomitable Lions are applauded as the 11th when the center Assou Ekotto is the head of Makoun who fails to fit.
fans and Lions fans enjoy the benefit of the Indomitable. The Dutch are struggling to return to their game and increase errors. Dirk Kuyt receives for a tackle on Chedjou. In the middle of the first half, they seemed to appreciate the benefit of Souleymanou who "takes the ball easily," said Boubacar. Frowned upon, because a few minutes later, Van Persie opened the scoring for the Netherlands.
While the Chilean referee whistled the end of the first part of the moral support of Lions do not despair. Everyone has their own comment. "We can not leave the competition with zero point. The Lions are dangerous when wounded, "understands Gustavolao. "We dominated the match," said a cousin of Abubakar. The best is yet to come she says.
On resumption, Van Persie multiplied its attacks fortunately captured by Souleymanou. While it announces the entry of Abubakar in the 57th minute, delirium in the yard. Embassies and invocations. "Let the welfare assistance," invokes Maobeal Alice, the mother of the young striker. Here, everyone has eyes on him. "He will do whatever is possible to stand out, understands his brother elder, Mathieu Boshico.
Prayers that are likely to play for the eleventh of Cameroon that will equalize through a penalty kick by Samuel Eto'o with a powerful shot. "Cameroon Country Ba 1-1. This is just the beginning. Little Vincent brings us luck, "says a voice. The entry of Rigobert, King Lion's den gray in the 73rd to replace Nkoulou raises the cheers of the audience. The young Abubakar tries a shot from distance. The balloon crashed, will not happen later. In the backyard, by reflex, some have their hands clasped behind neck. "Go vincent. The next time lucky, "says a member fan club of the player. Huntelaar scored the second goal of the Netherlands on a shot from Robben rejected by the post.
"We are pleased and proud of what little had to do. He did his best and showed he can walk in the big leagues. We wish him good luck. The World Cup is over but it will progress. It will soon Valenciennes. One can only wish him good luck, "warned Stephen Djonwé, fan club president Vincent Abubakar. Faithful To
Dawa, a childhood friend of young Lion, Lions gave the best of themselves. "Luck did not want. We saw our friend at the stadium, this is waiting, just there.

New York State Id Hologram

Garoua: People sensitized to climate change

Passage noticed the caravan of Cameroon in Garoua Climate Change Roadshow June 23, 2010 at the Alliance Franco-Cameroonian. "The actors tore a smile to the elements of Bir on duty," commented an official of an NGO after the delivery of acclaimed actors of the caravan. "We thought the room was too big. We were surprised that it proved insufficient to hold the authorities, guests and members of associations for the protection of the environment of the region, "has delighted a committee member organization. Betting
view, actors denounced the obvious causes of global warming emissions including greenhouse gas emissions, ecosystem destruction, uncontrolled cutting of trees, deforestation, the work of men. What would cause significant decreases in rainfall, drought, extinction of some species and the emergence of new diseases. To address the audience, the young actors have advocated the sustainable exploitation of our resources and exploitation of resources have alternative because he noted, "our planet can still be saved .
For the director, Donatus Fai Tangem, the objective of staging is to draw the attention of people in the northern region on the environmental problem which is that of climate change. "There WERE GIVEN that draws our room on the surrounding North so that people feel involved in the play and help get the message. That's why you felt you had a piece two acts, "he said.
For the High Commissioner of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Timothy Fisher, painted a sad picture of climate change in the region north. "Desertification is real here, right next to the Lake Chad has dropped to almost 25 times its size" says he. As a partner of Cameroon, the UK and has become involved in the implementation of the program to promote awareness. To do so, Timothy Fisher calls "planting trees, using improved stoves and learn."
Before him, the mayor of the borough of Garoua II Oumoul Koultchoumi Ahidjo, Cameroon has indicated that The Climate Change Roadshow is an initiative "brilliant" because it is timely, when the authorities are in overdrive to fight against deforestation, the main cause of ecological imbalance in the region. Also, she noted, the vast reforestation program running in Garoua aims "to offset the gap has caused the uncontrolled cutting of trees." This is Operation Garoua town green "holidays courses devoted entirely to the reforestation of denuded areas Nassarao, and some arteries Poumpoumré Garoua II, the second phase of the operation to plant 5000 trees initiated by the Ministry of Environment initiatives as traditional leaders and Associations IAG.
The head of regional branch of ANAFOR, savannah, Jerome Nkouankou Florence, said the actions ANAFOR leads in the common struggle to fight against climate change. It has been since 2006 a directory of 2793 potential players reforestation in the region of which 489 North and 2304 in the region of the Far North farmers comprised of players, schools, municipalities, government and communities.
With the theme "Fight the monster, fight climate change, '" The Cameroon Climate Change Roadshow is a caravan of awareness on climate change will continue in the cities of Santa, Kribi and Limbe.

Lawrence Gaivénémé

Terrible Highlights Hair

deals bagged water vendors

Not only mineral water producers who make good business in the area of sales of mineral water pouch. "I sell water in bag 50 cl. I buy pallets of 20 bags at 500 CFA francs that I sell at FCFA 1,000. I have a 100% profit. I was the book on site in company cars, "said Ms. Gilbert, the neighborhood grocer Mboum-Aviation. Doing almost the same business Pascal, grocer Houro-Ngalbidjé says he refuels the market. "There are many depots and stores. The pallet of water to 1000 FCFA sold me. The benefit is 25 FCFA per bag sold. This is equivalent to a 100% profit included the cost of transportation, "he analyzes.
Sheikh Khalib him, in addition to bagged mineral water, bottled water sells 1.5 liter and produced locally. He explains that "the pallets of water cost a 2300 market and all deposits. The profit is 600 CFA francs per pallet sale. " If water is available in the shops, bars, restaurants and secretariats equipped with refrigerator, best sellers are itinerant water sellers. "When it's hot, I can sell three to five pallets of the day," said Bouba seller to the former Elf station. Its customers, passengers travel agencies to destinations Maroua and Ngaoundere. For Ali and
Mohamadou, two water vendor met at the grammar school, the times are not good but "alhamdu lilaahi, it's going," says Ali, aged 12. With small breaks, the two boys roam the streets of the city and especially the central market, gathering place and meeting people. "Sometimes I do CFA from 1000 to 2000 earnings," said his companion.
If local producers refuse to disclose their turnover, "to date, we have produced 1442 pallets 20 of 60 cl. To have an exact figure is 28,840 bags that our only machine produced from January to June 2010, "says the director of Kani Water. To counter attract customers, "I made the bag a volume of 60 cl with respect to our comrades who produce bags of 50 cl. It gives me a way to give plenty of water to drink. I sell the pallet of 20 bags at 500 CFA francs, equivalent to 25 FCFA each. When they sell, they make a profit of 25 CFA francs on our backs, "said Director of Water Kani, Nicolas Palou. A spring
Sahel, the daily output in the dry season of 1000 pallets of 20 bags. "During the rainy season, we produce 1,000 pallets every 5 days," says the director general of the Industrial Society of Mineral Waters (Sidem) Boubakary Hadab. Asked about his turnover, he said that it is not important and reveals, however, that business is not very good in this period of rain. "Right now it's a start. I was initially attracted to the city to have an idea already, "said the director of Kanu water that does not yet have a dedicated distribution unlike Sidim which manages two kinds of customers: wholesalers and semi-wholesalers. "We are now in the Far North and a small part of Chad," boasts the DG Sidem who would have liked to distribute its product throughout the country.

Films Of Shannon Whirry

The music festival in Grenoble ....

Ca ... Do not Mess With GGS Institute and Gospel!
Special guest: Calvin Bridges from Chicago

In Shoe Sizes Skechers What Does Cd Mean

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

All Frequency Of All Satleit 2010

Garoua: dilapidated road network Urban

Wednesday, June 23, 2010. At 7 pm, while the city of Garoua who rises late starts to come alive, some sellers of adulterated petrol, at the entrance to the street leading to Ouro-Talaka, are busy setting up their tables and others filling bottles of one liter of gasoline on the main road that runs in Chinese Camp, not far from the garden of Lamidat Garoua. There, a huge precipice, a consequence of degradation of the entire sidewalk and three-quarters of the floor, forcing pedestrians and motorists to be more cautious. A trap for all users who use this road, day or night.
"At night, wanting to double, some drivers are found in the ravine and several died in hospital," said Boubacar Sall, dealer -zoa zoa of a few meters from one of three huge holes in the asphalt road of the camp-Chinese. "Every day there are accidents. Yesterday (June 22, 2010) to 17 hours, a car has projected a motorcycle taxi with a client in the ravine. He injured his head and thigh. Another vehicle drove them to the hospital, "said his companion, Hamidou Mana, it also vendor-zoa zoa. Here, says Sali Bouba "road tar and quality are the causes of these accidents." Later, Ibrahim, also a vendor-Zoa zoa for 4 months for this place, attests that he saw "a dozen people who came see the damage on the three major gaps that have formed on the road. They came to the plate also set indicative of the early work. " Even
displayed the plaque indicating the start of the work does not seem to convince Houliyesi Marcus, head of the district Houro Ourso-II, popularly known as Camp-Chinese, in memory of Sino-Cameroonian who helped build the dam Lagdo. The government and the urban community should, according to him, finding a solution to this situation disparagingly that handicaps the development of this populous district. "I had several times to call the authorities about this is a disaster and this even in the media. This is the way to everyone because this leads to the cemetery Djadja, "he says.
Having seized several government delegate for, he says he was made aware of the early work on June 20, 2010. "Until then, nothing has been done. Or, Camps-Chinese, we had rejoiced at this news. Today, our hopes vanish. "Excuse me do something," he begs as this road has become a graveyard for many people in the Chinese Camp and surrounding areas. He says the latest victim is a child 11. The young boy was dragged into the huge ravine Friday, May 28, 2010 after the rain had fallen in the city. "The son of Kova had made the entry in the sixth it was only a week, said he moved. The boy's body had been dragged by the water several hundred meters from the scene of the tragedy, the tomb opened. According to him, it would be the third victim. As
as it goes along the road leading to the cemetery Djadja, the show is staggering: damaged gutters and pipes, sand, rubbish and waste water drained by rain clog old purpose-built facilities. After the rain, some young people take the opportunity to recover sand. "Since Ahidjo left, Garoua has been abandoned to itself. They say they will deliver this road of Chinese camp in the next 6 months. These are stories nobody is fooled. Until we have seen, nobody will believe, "Adama remains pessimistic, motorcycle-taxi driver, holder of a yellow jumper with the Metro No. 4778.
Against this pessimism, the authorities reassured. "We now have the funds at our disposal for carrying out the work "Said Hamadou Sardaouna, regional representative of urban development and housing which reassures that the work will begin" before the end of the month. He said the work worth 650 million will be to construct slabs for drainage, the move from the banks of the garden Lamidat and for the construction of a retaining wall. Backfill will be required from him on the eroded part followed by a two-layer coating of 500 m. "The other part will fill the potholes to the crossroads cemetery. Notices of tender would also be launched for several other roadworks.
Just like the road of Chinese Camp, all roads and urban streets of Garoua are in a sorry state. The crossroads SODECOTON illustrates this desire that has become the plight of people in the metropolis. In some places like in Yelwa, macadam is no longer visible on the road, so the potholes are filled. "If you love your car, do not do a walk through there," advises Olivier Zokom.
Now, either downtown or in outlying areas including Loper at Carrefour Beac, the military bunker Roumdé-Adja, the Garrison before the baking and the entrance to the regional hospital, the phenomenon of decay is important. Even the central market, next to the milk market as the neighborhood mayor, on the axis along the film Ribado, is no exception to the rule. "We do not know what would be this great city if HYSACAM had not deployed in the nooks and crannies of Garoua" asks Ali, taxi driver. Old
a thirty year heritage of Garoua road is not in effect anymore.
poorly maintained, it has deteriorated year after year. For if some efforts by the Metropolitan MINDUH and to improve the situation of people, his actions are sporadic and ineffective because some time later, we return to square one. "This is not to plug the leaks by plugging potholes. These roads are old and are definitely to be redone. The embankments of potholes will do nothing. Go take a look at the intersection of Beac. Does it look like a road that has just been remade? "Asks a source Abdoulaye Moussa, taking this route to get home to Tchakamidari. The section will the roundabout junction Beac market with a ramp between the bakery market and the Avenue of the banks had recently been rehabilitated. Yet it took only a few months to see that the intersection Beac quickly degraded.
Everyone I met in the context of this survey are categorical: we must start from scratch. "This is to scrape all the way to the problem and start from scratch as is done elsewhere as in Yaounde," Jerome understands Oumaté. Similarly, the public lighting on the city's main aves especially at the periphery, should reduce the uncertainty ambient band consisting of assault and armed robbery. "The Avenue of Banks in up to Lamidat is illuminated. Now he must think that the urban community at the periphery because that is lower than the attacks are frequent, "said one employee whose Cicam Moto was recently torn by assailants on the outskirts. Enjoying
HIPC funds, some areas of the city could well be "rehabilitated." This section of the urban community hub-hub Yelwa-ginning and Socaprod section - the section Protestant school-Breweries Presidential Bachéoré Crossroads. Similarly, reassures the regional delegate MINDUH, the city of Garoua now has funds CD2. "We are expecting shortly the arrival of the structures responsible for these studies to begin remediation," says Hamadou Sardaouna. These funds will be used for rehabilitation of urban roads of 15 km or 20 km drain by 2011.

Ways To Dress Up A Bob

Danger: Dynamite liquid to drink!

True Story ...

For the "umpteenth" time, I read in the newspaper the story of a distraught mother who fears losing his 14 year old son ... Victim of a weakness when he was bathing, the family appealed for emergency services: measuring blood pressure, pulse taking heart ... But what might well have such an aggressive knock a teenager in full health? You already know what I mean: it's energy drinks!

And this boy is not alone. Several cases are reported each year, but until now no study has been conducted to prove the danger of these drinks. But they are not safe and have a real negative effect. I must say I was shocked when my doctor told me, simply in the middle of my annual review, the visit of two young men while he was on the eve of the Emergency Cardiac arrhythmia secondary to the consumption of energy drinks. To me it makes no sense that these drinks are still on the shelf, low cost and so accessible to young people (even if on the bottle, it mentions in letters "6", this product is not recommended for children). Quite ordinary.

Addicted to taste?

Well, I hear you reply: "I like that ... And anyway, when I take Red Bull, the Guru, the Monster (and name them!) anything that makes me, me! You are not immunized against the effects of excessive consumption of caffeine. First, I bet you're already a victim, since you are probably dependent on these beverages will follow soon ... anxiety, headaches, insomnia, nausea, fatigue and anxiety, if not already there. It is often these symptoms on the backs of stress at work, school, relationships that do not work ... But have you ever thought that these symptoms might be the source of these cans of liquid stimulating?

Too much caffeine ...

If adults can tolerate up to 400 mg of caffeine per day (2-3 cups of coffee 250 ml), remember that 250 ml energy drink (less than a can ...) can provide up to 130 mg of caffeine alone! This does not include taurine, glucuronolactone and other tricks of the kind that are added. In fact, no study has successfully demonstrated that the latter two compounds were actually a stimulant. Hmm ... If they do not stimulate, what do they exactly? Mystery ...

duo loser!

And I always hear the sound of vodka flowing like water in a glass half full of Red Bull ... Of course, this is not my glass I never dared test such a mixture, low amateur alcohol than I am ... Far be it from me to lecture you, but seriously, let the equation: if, for one, alcohol reduces your visual skills, motor, etc. . and, two, caffeine stimulates your nervous system, you have made! And yes: caffeine gives the impression that you are alert, but I guarantee you that the effect of alcohol is still alive and well. I would not say it would be best to "package cutter" only with alcohol, but at least, forget the famous duo and opt for fruit juices and 100% to your mixes ... Not to mention that this must be done in moderation AND occasionally.

Dependence = enrichment

few years ago, these drinks did not even exist. Were we are missing so far? If you eat regularly, you're another victim of these industries that try to make you dependent on their product, only to ensure their profitability. It is no coincidence that caffeine is added to these beverages, we know very well the effect of dependence. This is an excellent strategy to ensure sustainability of these manufacturers ... And do not forget that we live in a society where performance is a prerequisite. Studying at night, work late, go out into the wee hours the morning and go to school or office the next morning with two hours of sleep in the body ... We always want to do everything and not miss anything! But your body has limits that will sooner or later be felt ...

Finally, to wake you up, keep you alert, increase your concentration and energy level, there is no quick fix. The easiest? Sleep at least 7 hours per day, and try to implement some of the many nutrition counseling, nutritionists courtesy of your choice (s):)

*** Next: From the Fall Next, Dr. Paul Poirier of Quebec Heart Institute initiated a study on the effects of energy drinks. In spring 2011, we should know ... First results

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Best Mount And Blade Mods Of 2010

Like, I do not like ... Like, I do not like ...

Some quotes: The

(or!) Nutritionist: " Oh, I do not eat it, vegetables! A big plate of grilled vegetables, vegetables, a standard e-course salad of exuberant color ... And not too much dressing to mask the taste! "At least that's what most (not all (tous!), there is always a cobbler wrong floor ...) will tell you!

The child who learns to appreciate " Yuck, vegetables, it tastes like nothing! I want, not even a small bite! "

man (usually the male gender!) which never had an incentive to try: " Bah, I cut them into tiny pieces, I eat at the same time that my bite of steak, it helps. It's happening not seen or known! "

Well, if I tell you it is that weekend, I swapped my 6 oz filet mignon at the restaurant for the 3 / 4 of vegetables from my coach (oh, well, I will said, the Men are generally less enthusiastic vegetables:) And also because I hosted a group of youths 9 to 12 who did not want anything to do with "weird stuff that tastes bad" ... I'm worried!

My goal today? You eat vegetables every day ... Yes, yes, daily! To get there, I must first give you a little reminder (not too redundant, you already know all that ...)

Why should you eat vegetables?

Because above all, it's nutritious! They provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For example, 1 / 2 cup (125 ml) of raw carrots provides nearly 100% of your vitamin A needs! One cup (250 ml) of raw broccoli (florets about 5-6 at most!), 100% of your vitamin C. .. Not to mention the entire amount of fiber in the vegetables you provide. They say they have vegetables fill half your plate. If you think this leaves little room for your chicken breast and rice, remember that fiber vegetables will give you a feeling of satiety rather quickly ... The remaining half of meat and grain products will be well enough for the belly is well filled.

Well, how do you eat so much!

1. It is organized. They are prepared in advance, returning from the grocery store: peel carrots, cut cauliflower into florets, wash lettuce, celery sticks ready, peel the turnip ... And put it in the eye! Believe me, if the fridge is full of vegetables ready to eat, it will be much easier to slip into his lunch box or take a snack.

2. It opts for "easy". And no, there is still no fast-food restaurant for vegetables ... (Imagine the drive-thru: "Yes, I'll take green beans au gratin in the oven, take out please! ") I am talking about frozen vegetables are as nutritious as raw vegetables!

3. They are prepared differently. You get tired of eating fewer vegetables if they are varied and presented in different forms.

- Raw, they can be eaten in salads. Why not endive leaves, grated carrots or asparagus into pieces to revive your salad, try the lettuce "escarole" whose the leaves are curled and bright purple. You'll back to you. You can also accompany your raw vegetables and dip nutrient (No. .. not famous ketchup-mayo, but rather a kind of yoghurt, fresh cheese or mashed beans!)

- Cooked, avoids cooking methods that require lots of water, because the vegetables lose their nutritional value . And if boiled vegetables require, reuse the cooking water to make a vegetable broth for soup. It is best to cook vegetables sauteed, broiled, steamed, baked or microwave by covering them with plastic wrap. And cooked vegetables, like that on your plate, it can go for lovers ... But to surprise (pleasantly!) The hardest, prepare them with a sauce or what I call "value added" (bechamel sauce, tomato or rose, basil pesto, sesame oil + soy sauce, black olive tapenade, cheese, etc..) Approaching summer, you can grill slices of zucchini or eggplant, mushrooms or diced peppers on the grill Let your imagination!

And to love, how you doing?

Nope! I have no magic tricks to enjoy vegetables instantly to your cooks or men of the house ... But I can tell you one thing: perseverance is key! Encourage small and to sample a large variety of vegetables. Eventually, their taste buds will adjust to their liking. But patience you may need to submit five .... ten ... twenty .... forty times (!) before they are appreciated!

With that, good tasting!